Private and Social Values of Wetlands Research Reports

The Private and Social Values of wetlands project is funded by Environment Australia and the Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation as part of the National Wetlands Research and Development Program. The research is led by Prof Bennett. Stuart Whitten is the Research Officer appointed to the project. The focus of the project is the development of a process that enables the determination of future outcomes for wetlands that are privately owned and the design of institutional structures that will ensure the those outcomes are achieved. This methodology encompasses the use of bio-economic modelling, cost benefit analysis and non-market valuation techniques. Two case study sites feature in the research - the Upper South East of South Australia and the Murrumbidgee Floodplain between Wagga Wagga and Hay in New South Wales.

Because these reports present the results of work in progress, they should not be reproduced in part or in whole without the authorisation of the Research Project Leader, Professor Jeff Bennett.

Report 1 [PDF, ] : Wetland eco systems and landuse in the upper south east of South Australia
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Report 2 [PDF, ] : Farmer perceptions of wetlands and wetland management in the upper south east of South Australia
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Report 3 [PDF, ] : Potential Upper South East Regional Wetland Management Strategies
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Report 4 [PDF, ] : Wetland ecosystems and landuse in the Murrumbidgee Catchment - Wagga Wagga to Hay and including Mirrool Creek
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Report 5 [PDF, ] : Farmer perceptions of wetlands and wetland management on the Murrumbidgee River between Wagga Wagga and Hay including Mirrool Creek
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Report 6 [PDF, ] : Potential Wetland Management Strategies - Murrumbidgee Floodplain - Wagga Wagga to Hay
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Report 7 [PDF, ] : A travel cost study of duck hunting in the Upper South East of South Australia
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Report 8 [PDF, ] : Non-market values of wetlands: A choice modelling study of wetlands in the Upper South East of South Australia and the Murrumbidgee River floodplain in New South Wales
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Report 9 [PDF, ] : A Bio-economic Analysis of Potential Upper South East Regional Wetland Management Strategies
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Report 10 [PDF, ] : A Bio-economic Analysis of Potential Murrumbidgee River Floodplain Wetland Management Strategies (Wagga Wagga to Hay)
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Report 11 [PDF, ] : Policies for Wetland Management Change on Private Land: Case studies of wetlands in the Upper South East of South Australia and the Murrumbidgee River Floodplain in New South Wales
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
Overview Report [PDF, ] : The Private and Social Values of Wetlands: An Overview
S.M. Whitten and J.W. Bennett
“A book entitled ‘The Choice Modelling Approach to Environmental Valuation’ - edited by Jeff Bennett and Russell Blamey and published by Edward Elgar - has now been released. For details, go to

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