Private sector conservation enterprises

The overarching objective of this research is to achieve an improved understanding of the nature and scale of Private Sector Conservation Enterprises (PCSEs) operating in Australia.

Specifically, the research is aimed at:

  • identifying the range of PSCE currently operating in Australia, including both profit motivated and not for profit entities;
  • characterising the activities, scale, organisational structures (including ownership/membership as well as management), supply capacities, demand sources, competitors, strategies, promotional activities, work force, financial/capital base, location and performance of PSCEs around Australia; and
  • identifying any barriers to the formation and operation of PSCE including both ‘natural’ barriers (such as non-excludability and non-rivalry) and policy induced barriers (including regulatory restraints to trade and accounting standards). A questionnaire of targeted organisations will be the key mechanism for data collection.

The understanding gained through the project will facilitate the development of policies at Commonwealth, State and Local Government levels that will generate more efficient and equitable provision of nature conservation benefits for the Australian people. It will also form a key component of any future assessment of the potential for PCSEs to generate viable alternative rural industries.

Available Papers

Nature Conservation: a Public Good?
PSCE Research Note 1: G.A. Usher and J.W. Bennett
Defining ‘Private Sector Conservation Enterprises’
PSCE Research Note 2: G.A. Usher and J.W. Bennett A survey of Australian Private Sector Conservation Enterprises: some initial findings
PSCE Research Note 3: G.A. Usher and J.W. Bennett A survey of Australian Private Sector Conservation Enterprises: initial analysis of final results
PSCE Research Note 4: G.A. Usher and J.W. Bennett Final Report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation, J.W. Bennett and G.A.
Private Sector Conservation Enterprises in Australia,

Updated:  14 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team