Dr Terence Wood
Terence Wood is a Fellow at the Development Policy Centre in the Crawford School of Public Policy. Terence is a frequent contributor to the Devpolicy blog. His work has been published elsewhere including the Conversation, The Guardian and the Washington Post.
Terence has managed three grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation.
In his work on Papua New Guinea, Terence has regularly conducted research with academics from the University of Papua New Guinea.
Research Interest
Terence's research interests fall into two broad areas:
1. Aid and aid effectiveness. In this area his work focuses on: the determinants of aid policy in donor countries, including the impact of public opinion on the aid policy process; and the impact of aid in recipient countries.
2. Elections and electoral politics in Melanesia. In this area his work has focused on: ethnic identity and voter behaviour in Solomon Islands; women candidates in Solomon Islands; clientelism; and electoral process in Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea.
Terence has also conducted research on other subjects including the Millennium Development Goals and participatory budgeting in Brazil.