Schools and Centres Pages

The Development Policy Centre (Devpol) is a think tank for aid and development serving Australia, the region, and the global development community. We undertake independent research and promote practical initiatives to improve the effectiveness of Australian aid, to support the development of Papua New Guinea and the Pacific island region, and to contribute to better global development policy. 

We were established in September 2010 and are based at Crawford School of Public Policy in the ANU College of Law, Governance and Policy.

Our centre includes a community of researchers and program staff based in Canberra and the Pacific region. Devpol is also the hub of a large network including Centre Associates, graduate students and interns.

Our publications — discussion papers, policy briefs and reports — make our research available for all.

Our events are fora for the dissemination of findings and the exchange of information and ideas.

The Devpolicy Blog is our platform for analysis, discussion and debate.

Sign up to our newsletter or follow our social media to keep in touch.


Our publications are catalogued on the Devpolicy Blog site including daily blogs, annual letters, discussion papers, reports and submissions.


The Events archive is currently under construction. Contact the team for past conference presentations.

The end of aid?

The massive cuts to foreign aid inflicted by the US and UK over the last month are game changing for foreign aid. Robin Davies talks to the Australian Financial Review provides the first predictions of the impact for total global aid.

Cameron Hill asks what the end of the US-led liberal order means for global aid in a Eureka Street article.

First round of Pacific Engagement Visas

Natasha Turia speaks to ABC News about the experience of PNG citizens who were successful in the Pacific Engagement Visa lottery but are yet to be granted visas to enter Australia.

Devpol migration survey

Alyssa Leng talks to The Canberra TimesThe Guardian and Pacific Beat about the findings of a new survey which revealed misconceptions about migration.

Latest from the Podcast


Office locations

The Development Policy Centre is located across two cottages on The Australian National University campus in Acton. 

Development Policy Centre main building 
7 Liversidge Street 
Australian National University 
Acton ACT 2601 
» view map 

Chauffeur's Cottage 
Building 73A, Crawford School of Public Policy 
Lennox Crossing 
Australian National University 
Acton ACT 2601 
» view map 


Professor Stephen Howes 
Development Policy Centre 
7 Liversidge Street
Australian National University
Acton ACT 2601 
Phone: +61 2 6125 7553 

Program Officer 

Aloha Jeon
Development Policy Centre 
7 Liversidge Street
Australian National University 
Acton ACT 2601 

For Devpolicy Blog issues please contact: 

Amita Monterola 