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The Pacific migration team undertakes research, and provides evidence-based policy advice, on the social and economic impacts of temporary labour programs and permanent migration pathways between Pacific Island countries, and Australia and New Zealand. 
Our program of work focuses on Pacific Australian Labour Mobility (PALM) schemes and New Zealand’s Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) scheme, and considers these temporary migration programs alongside other migration pathways open to Pacific Islanders within the region and other labour migration programs globally. 
Our work is part of the Pacific Research Program – a consortium led by the ANU Department of Pacific Affairs, with the Development Policy Centre and the Lowy Institute. The Program is co-funded by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the consortium partners’ parent bodies. 

Areas of research:

  • Social and economic impacts of temporary labour mobility schemes on migrant sending and receiving households and communities, and businesses and the private sector 

  • Skills analysis in Pacific Island countries 

  • Governance of the Seasonal Worker Programe in Australia and sending countries 

  • Labour demand and supply to the horticulture sector in Australia and New Zealand 

  • Employment outcomes for Pacific Islander communities in Australia 

  • Permanent migration pathways for Pacific islanders to Australia