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The Development Policy Centre (Devpol) is a think tank for aid and development serving Australia, the region, and the global development community. We undertake independent research and promote practical initiatives to improve the effectiveness of Australian aid, to support the development of Papua New Guinea and the Pacific island region, and to contribute to better global development policy. 

We were established in September 2010 and are based at Crawford School of Public Policy in the ANU College of Law, Governance and Policy.

Our centre includes a community of researchers and program staff based in Canberra and the Pacific region. Devpol is also the hub of a large network including Centre Associates, graduate students and interns.

Our publications — discussion papers, policy briefs and reports — make our research available for all.

Our events are fora for the dissemination of findings and the exchange of information and ideas.

The Devpolicy Blog is our platform for analysis, discussion and debate.

Sign up to our newsletter or follow our social media to keep in touch.

“… the Development Policy Centre at the ANU, whose research about the Pacific is both rigorous with regard to evidence and methodology, and digestible for a general audience via their well-read blog.”

The Hon Andrew Giles MP
Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, ANU Migration Update, 2023

“The invaluable Devpolicy Blog (from the Development Policy Centre at the Australian National University) has gathered the figures…”

Graeme Dobell
The Strategist, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2022

“The invaluable Devpolicy Blog (from the Development Policy Centre at the Australian National University) has gathered the figures…”

Graeme Dobell
The Strategist, Australian Strategic Policy Institute, 2022

“The Development Policy Centre does an outstanding job bringing together researchers – and a wide range of stakeholders – from across Australia, the Pacific, Asia and beyond.”

Frances Adamson
Former Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australasian AID Conference, 2019