The Development Policy Centre has key research programs and partnerships under the PNG Project.
Schools and Centres Pages
The PNG Project provides the framework for all the PNG-related research at the Development Policy Centre and builds on the long-term engagement between ANU and PNG (depicted in the map above, courtesy CartoGIS).
Funding for our work on PNG comes from a variety of sources, and involves a number of partnerships, primarily with the University of Papua New Guinea and the National Research Institute.
We pursue a range of research topics, including: macro and fiscal analysis, infrastructure, health and education, corruption and governance, labour markets and migration, public policy and public administration, urbanisation and gender-based violence.

PNG Update
Hosted with the University of Papua New Guinea

ANU-UPNG Seminars
Hybrid seminars held at UPNG, ANU and online

(Honest Reporting/Flickr/Tristan F/CC BY-SA 2.0)

Maholopa Laveil presenting the survey at the 2019 PNG Update