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The PNG economic surveys are an annual research collaboration between ANU and UPNG economics academics describing major events and the state of the economy in the past year.

PNG economic survey 2018-19
Stephen Howes, Rohan Fox, Maholopa Laveil, Dek Sum and Bao Nguyen
» download paper [PDF] from Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies

PNG economic survey 2017-18
Bao Nguyen, Nelson Nema, Rohan Fox and Stephen Howes
» download presentation [PPT]
» download paper [PDF]

PNG economic survey 2017
Rohan Fox, Stephen Howes, Nelson Atip Nema and Marcel Schröder, December 2017
» view publication at SSRN
» read blog

PNG economic survey 2015-16
Manoj Pandey, Nelson Nema, Rohan Fox, Stephen Howes, ANU-UPNG partnership team
» view presentation

PNG survey of recent developments 2014–15
Michael Cornish, Rohan Fox, Stephen Howes, Win Nicholas, Albert Prabhakar and Ani Rova, September 2015
» view publication at SSRN