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Australian aid is a key focus area for the Development Policy Centre, and we are grateful for funding from the Gates Foundation, which supports our work on aid. 

Australian aid - DFAT

Australian Aid Tracker

Our Australian Aid Tracker provides detailed and accurate information on how much aid Australia gives, where it goes, and what it is spent on.

Aid project effectiveness

In this work we are studying the reported effectiveness of aid projects. In the work we have looked at the performance of aid loans in the Pacific, the performance of Australian aid projects, why aid projects tend to perform worse in the Pacific and what happens when Australian aid performance reports are subject to rigorous external review.

Australian aid flows

In this work we are systematically analysing how much aid Australia gives, where it is spent and what it is spent on. The first Australian aid flows report was released in 2021.

We are currently working on tracking the gender and climate focus of Australian aid.

Australian NGOs

In this work we have studied where and how Australian NGOs work overseas. We have also studied which parts of Australia have the most NGO donors. We have also studied: trends in donations to NGOs and the drivers of donations; gender equity in senior NGO management; and NGO use of the internet. We worked with the Australian Council of International Development, including on their inaugural State of the Sector report.


Staff working on Australian aid research and projects at the centre include: