Australia Award Scholars

DFAT’s Australia Awards (previously AusAID) are an important component of Australia’s investment in education - the flagship of the Australian aid program. They provide long and short-term study and professional development opportunities to citizens from developing countries around the globe.

The scholarship program aims to improve mutual understanding between Australia and partner countries through education and enrichment. Scholarships are mainly at the postgraduate level, although a small number of scholarships at the undergraduate level are available for a limited number of eligible countries.

ANU currently hosts over 400 DFAT Australia Award recipients. Approximately half of these awardees are administratively managed by the Division of Global Programs & Engagement and the other half by Crawford School of Public Policy. Both Australia Awards Liaison teams coordinate the provision of academic and support services for DFAT Australia Awards recipients, including a ‘whole of university’ experience.

A key aim of ANU in fulfilling our obligation to DFAT is the successful completion of study by awardees on time and within budget. Practices in place to achieve this include an early intervention plan and ongoing academic monitoring of awardees in collaboration with College/School administrators and research supervisors.

How to apply for DFAT Australia Awards

Applications for DFAT Australia Awards are managed by DFAT, not ANU.

See the Australia Awards website for application procedures.

Updated:  27 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team