

PARSA is the student representative body for postgraduates at ANU. PARSA provides a range of services aimed at providing support for the specific needs of postgraduate students in relation to both their studies and daily life. The primary focus of PARSA is the interests and welfare of all research and coursework postgraduate students at ANU.

All postgraduate students at ANU automatically become members of PARSA.

PARSA is run by students, for students and represents postgraduates both collectively and individually.

PARSA aims to assist students in the following areas:

  • Information and referral for postgraduate students
  • Representation on university committees
  • Advocacy for individual postgraduates
  • Campaigning and lobbying on postgraduate issues
  • Free legal advice to all postgraduate students
  • Hosting social functions for all postgraduate students
  • Administration of Emergency Loan Scheme
  • Administration of Student Extracurricular Enrichment Fund (SEEF)

For more information visit the PARSA website.

Clubs and societies

ANU boasts over 100 clubs and societies, offering unique educational, sporting, cultural and social opportunities to members. A full directory is available on ANU Campus Life.


Cultural life

Both Crawford School and Canberra have a very diverse population which ensures there are always an array of activities to see and do. There is an annual Canberra multicultural festival and ongoing cultural activities throughout the year. In addition Crawford School produces a brief ‘What’s happening this month’ newsletter available for students to pick up throughout the building. If you have any items to include please drop us a line.

See more information regarding the multicultural festival.

Canberra is also home to numerous social and cultural institutions of national significance, such as the Australian War Memorial, the National Gallery of Australia, the National Portrait Gallery, the National Library, the National Archives, the Australian Academy of Science, the National Film and Sound Archive and the National Museum. Many Commonwealth government buildings in Canberra are open to the public, including Parliament House, the High Court and the Royal Australian Mint.

Canberra boast numerous bars and nightclubs which also offer live entertainment, particularly concentrated in the areas of Dickson, Kingston and the city and most town centres have facilities for a community theatre and a cinema. Other popular cultural events include the National Folk Festival, the Royal Canberra Show and Enlighten the light and colour festival.

Find out more about Canberra.

Sport and recreation

The ANU Sport & Recreation Association (ANU Sport) is an incorporated, not-for-profit organisation. ANU Sport is one of the four organisations on the ANU campus which receives an annual allocation of Student Services and Amenities Fee contributed by our Students. ANU Sport aims to promote and provide a diverse and exciting range of professionally-provided, affordable sporting and physical recreation participation opportunities for all members. It exists to enhance your university experience by offering health, fitness and leisure activities to make your time at ANU a whole lot more energetic, invigorating and enjoyable.

See more information about ANU Sport.

Retail and services

The ANU Union Inc. is a non-profit, student run body that operates a number of services and food outlets within the Union building and around the ANU campus. It also provides students with a place to socialise and relax, is Canberra’s leading live music venue, and provides venues and catering for functions. It is ANU Union’s vision that it should be the social heart of ANU.

A place where students, staff and visitors can come to relax, eat and socialise. ANU Union endeavours to provide members with services that are appropriate to their needs. As the ANU Union is owned by its members (students), all profits go back into the business by improving services and reducing prices.

See more information about the ANU Union.

Updated:  19 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team