Pages tagged by "inequality"

Uninterrupted growth, redistribution and inequality: The Australian case 1991-2020

To what extent can a progressive tax and transfer system moderate the distributional impacts of uneven economic growth? We revisit this question in the...

Lifecycle earnings risk and insurance: New evidence from Australia

This paper studies the nature of earnings dynamics in Australia, using the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey 2001-2020....

Intergenerational well-being: Baby boomers, generation X, and millennials in Australia

This paper discusses the relative well-being of three generations: baby boomers (born 1946 to 1964), generation X (born 1965 to 1980) and millennials ...

Tax progressivity in Australia: Facts, measurements and estimates

We study the progressivity of Australia’s personal income tax system after the introduction of a New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999. We use...

Aligning preferences for redistribution of right and left wing voters by correcting their beliefs about inequality: Evidence from a randomized survey experiment in Australia

Are differences in preferences for redistribution between right and left wing voters amplified because of misperceptions of inequality? To answer this...

Optimal progressive income taxation in a Bewley-Grossman framework

We study optimal income tax progressivity in an environment where individuals are exposed to idiosyncratic income...

Redistribution between rich and poor countries

The topic of redistribution between rich and poor countries opens a can of worms. This paper first inquires into what we mean by some of these words and...

Can information about inequality and social mobility change preferences for redistribution? Evidence from randomized controlled trials in 11 high and middle-income countries.

Using new cross-country survey and experimental data, we investigate if it is possible to increase people’s support for the national government to address...

Relative welfare weights for individuals, consumers and producers

This paper applies the concept of an Inequality Deflator to evaluate the relative value of capital versus individual income. As the shareholders of...

An Inequality Deflator for Australia

This paper estimates an Inequality Deflator for the Australian economy, which represents the distributional trade-offs that exist within the current tax...


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