TTPI produces major reports, short policy briefs, and tax and transfer facts which examine the design of the Australian tax and transfer system and propose options and pathways for reform.
Behavioural responses to the tax and transfer system
TTPI produces research using tax and social security administrative data and surveys to estimate behavioural responses to the tax and transfer system. We estimate the causal impact of policies on workforce participation, taxpayer response, benefit take-up and government revenue.
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Examples include:
- Bunching behaviour of taxpayers in response to tax rates and tax policy changes
- Elasticity of taxable income
- Child care and female labour supply
- Parenting payment single
Behavioural economics and tax
We work with governments from Australia, Africa, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea to design and implement field experiments about tax system engagement and compliance.
Intergenerational equity and wealth inequality
We research the role of the tax system in creating and perpetuating intergenerational inequality and wealth inequality in Australia. We use administrative data to better understand patterns of inequality and how they change over time. We propose policy solutions.
Businesses, tax, investment and innovation
TTPI uses administrative data to assess how business responds to tax and investment incentives. We examine innovation, what drives it and its relationship to monetary policy.
TTPI uses administrative visa and tax records to understand the characteristics of migrants that affect their labour market outcomes and the distributional impact of migration on the incumbent Australian population.
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We research optimal points test design, the impact of migration on Australian firm productivity, the geographic mobility of migrants within Australia and the impact of migration on the Australian housing market.
Domestic violence
TTPI works on a range of issues around domestic violence including the impact of female breadwinning on domestic violence and the role of domestic violence in explaining welfare reliance and educational attainment.
Labour markets
TTPI has a range of research around labour markets and their relationship with the tax and transfer system. TTPI has produced research on labour market impacts of COVID and COVID policies on Australian and international labour markets.
Health and disability
TTPI produces research on health-related tax and transfer policies including the impact of the Medicare Surcharge Levy and Lifetime Health Cover. We have studies the relationship between the NDIS and autism diagnoses.