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Vol: 40/2020 Authors: Keiichiro Kobayashi, Kozo Ueda Month: April Year: 2020
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Vol: 39/2020 Authors: Hammed Oluwaseyi Musibau, Maria Yanotti, Joaquin Vespignani, Rabindra Nepal Month: April Year: 2020
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Vol: 38/2020 Authors: Monique Reid, Hanjo Odendaal, Stan Du Plessis, Pierre Siklos Month: April Year: 2020
Icon of open book, ANU
Vol: 37/2020 Authors: Monique Reid, Pierre Siklos, Timothy Guetterman, Stan Du Plessis Month: April Year: 2020
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Vol: 36/2020 Authors: Patrick J. Coe, Shaun P. Vahey Month: April Year: 2020
Icon of open book, ANU
Vol: 35/2020 Authors: Giorgos Baskozos, Giorgos Galanis, Corrado Di Guilmi Month: April Year: 2020
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Vol: 2002/04 Authors: Raghbendra Jha Month: January Year: 2002
Icon of open book, ANU
Vol: 2002/02 Authors: Prasanna Gai, Simon Hayes, Hyun Song Shin Month: January Year: 2002
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Vol: 2002/01 Authors: Prema-chandra Athukorala Month: January Year: 2002
Icon of open book, ANU
Vol: 2001/12 Authors: Prema-chandra Athukorala, Kunal Sen Month: November Year: 2001
Icon of open book, ANU
Vol: 2001/11 Authors: Hal Hill Month: November Year: 2001
Icon of open book, ANU
Vol: 2001/10 Authors: George Fane and Ross H. McLeod Month: August Year: 2001