The Indonesia Study Group (ISG) are a major venue for disseminating research undertaken by ANU Indonesia Project academic network, Australian academics, visitors, students and policymakers in Australia. The Project holds 12-15 seminars each year, with topics covering most key areas of public policy in Indonesia across the social sciences and humanities. The ISG are hybrid events hosted via Zoom and at the McDonald Room in the historic Menzies library on the ANU campus. They are typically held on Wednesday at lunchtime.
Recordings and slides from past ISG are available at the ANU Indonesia Project online archive.
Please contact a member of the Indonesia Study Group (ISG) seminar committee to propose a topic or speaker for future events:
- Chair: Arianto Patunru, Policy and Engagement Manager, ANU Indonesia Project
- Eve Warburton, Research Fellow Department of Political and Social Change in the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs and Director of ANU Indonesia Institute
- I Nyoman Sutarsa, Senior Lecturer in Population Health, Medical School, ANU College of Health and Medicine
- Rini Astuti, Research Fellow for the ANU–UNESCO Chair on Science Communications for the Public Good, Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, ANU College of Science
- Eva Nisa, Senior lecturer in anthropology in the School of Culture, History and Language, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, and an ARC DECRA fellow
- Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo, Research Fellow at the Fenner School of Environment & Society, ANU College of Science
- Dyah Pritadrajati, PhD student at the Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific.

Global seminars are entirely online seminars that bring together people and research from around the world. Hosted by Dr Arianto Patunru, the Zoom seminars aim to broaden understanding and stimulate debate on key challenges Indonesia faces, drawing on other countries' experiences.
Don't hesitate to contact or Dr Arianto Patunru ( if you would like to suggest a topic or speakers for a Global Seminar.
Recordings and slides from past ISG are available at the ANU Indonesia Project online archive.

The FKP is a consortium of various institutions in Indonesia that host a series of researchbased policy forums discussing research outcomes related to topical policy issues in Indonesia. These forums are free and open to the public.
Welcome to the FKP seminar series. Forum Kajian Pembangunan (FKP) was initiated in 2010 as a medium for researchers to share their findings with their peers and a wider audience, to inform policymaking, and to encourage good quality research. Institutions in the consortium take turns monthly to host the forums in Indonesia. These forums are free and open to the public. For upcoming Forum Kajian Pembangunan (FKP) seminars, please visit the FKP website.