About the ANU Indonesia Project Student Research Travel Grant
The ANU Indonesia Project Student Research Travel Grants assist domestic Honours and Masters students in researching Indonesia. The first grants were offered in the 2014 academic year. The grants are open to individuals of at least 18 years of age who are currently enrolled or about to enrol in degree programs at the Honours or Masters level at an Australian university. The grants are open to Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents.
Conditions of grant
The grant is open to students who are:
• at least 18 years of age
• currently enrolled or about to enrol in an honours or master’s degree at a university in Australia.
• Australian citizens or Australian permanent residents.
All applications must submit:
• A completed application form, which contains details of your research proposal, an indicative budget, and a supporting statement from your academic supervisor.
• Latest academic transcripts.
The application must be submitted to:
• Arianto.Patunru@anu.edu.au and Indonesia.Project@anu.edu.au.
• The deadline to apply is 6 April 2025.
• The Committee will not consider incomplete applications.
Selection Criteria
Criteria that will be considered in assessing the applications include:
• Academic quality: research potential, innovative aspects.
• Feasibility of application.
• The applicant’s academic records to date.
• Applications that propose to research a development or public policy issue in Indonesia will be given preference in the selection process.
• Gender equality and inclusion are key to the Indonesia Project’s research and outreach activities. The Project strongly encourages women, researchers with disability, and researchers from diverse backgrounds to apply for these grants. We also encourage students to consider research proposals that apply a gender and inclusivity lens or problem statements by explicitly identifying how the problem impacts men, women, or people with disabilities and the barriers.
Selection Committee
The Head of the Indonesia Project will determine the selection committee members. In the past, the members have come from the Australian National University, the University of Canberra, and the University of New South Wales.
The grant will not be awarded if, in the opinion of the selection committee, there is no applicant of sufficient merit. Committee members will not participate in reviewing and deciding on a submission if they are the applicant's direct supervisor.
Financial Parameters
The value of each grant shall be up to $3,000. The grant will be provided in a lump sum to recipients. The grant may be used to support the following activities:
• Contribute towards paying for travel-related expenses, such as economy return airfares to Indonesia, insurance, accommodation, in-country travel, passport, visa, vaccinations, and other preventive medicines.
• Delivering or attending training, workshops and capacity building seminars, and other activities that support the academic research project.
• Contributions to research costs, e.g., hiring facilitators, purchasing data or books.
The grant cannot be used to purchase equipment such as computers, recorders, etc.
Grant funds may only be used to carry out the activities the student has detailed in their application. Any changes to the nature of the activity or their planned budget must be communicated to the Indonesia Project. The grant must be expensed within a year after being granted.
Concurrent holding of grants/scholarships/awards
The travel grant may be held concurrently with other grants, scholarships, and awards.
Tenure and approval
• The recipient must be enrolled and remain full-time or part-time at the honours or master’s level at an approved university in Australia. At the same time, the proposed travel is being undertaken.
• It is the recipient’s responsibility to ensure their chosen topic for their research and travel approval for their research is approved and supported by their home university.
• Grantees are responsible for all administrative arrangements associated with their activity, including visa and travel arrangements.
• It is the recipient’s responsibility to obtain adequate medical, public liability, travel and/or accident insurance for their travel and any independent travel they undertake before and/or after their scheduled research travel to Indonesia.
• Recipients intending to travel to Indonesia should seek information and advice from the Australian Government regarding travel to Indonesia. Please refer to the Smartraveller website and associated guide.
• You may be asked to submit a written report of your research activity and a summary of expenses for the travel to the Indonesia Project administrator after the travel.
• The grant will terminate on the date the scholar ceases to attend the university other than for approved absences or on an indicated date for each round of grant, whichever is earlier.
Publicity It is anticipated that the recipients of the Indonesia Project Research Travel Grant may be requested to participate in the publicity of the grant from time-to-time. This may include publicity in the state or territory of residence or of schooling. Recipients may be contacted for an interview and photograph. The ANU Indonesia Project may also publicise the grants by publishing the recipients' names. Such arrangements will be made through the Indonesia Project administration.
The recipient must acknowledge the receipt of the grant in his or her research output. We expect the recipients to present their research findings in the Indonesia Study Group (ISG) or Global Web Seminar series organised by the ANU Indonesia Project.
Key dates 2025
Applications Open: Wednesday 26 February 2025
Applications Close: Sunday 6 April 2025
Outcome Announcement: Wednesday 30 April 2025
Prior recipients
2024 grant recipients
3 students received an ANU Indonesia Project Student Research travel grant in 2024.
Ayuningsih Hancock (Australian National University) Research topic: The role of pesinden in the world of wayang. Supervisor: Dr Ying Xin Show.
Justin Khouw (Australian National University) Research topic: Navigating Indonesian defence modernization stagnation: insights from bilateral arms procurement cooperation with South Korea. Supervisor: Associate Professor Marcus Mietzner.
Mickaylah Guidi (UNSW) Research topic: Gendered power dynamics in the Indonesia: barriers to women’s involvement in conflict resolution. Supervisor: Associate Professor Minako Sakai
Prior recipients
A full list of ANU Indonesia Project Student Research travel grant reciepents can be found on our ANU Indonesia Project online archive.