There Goes the Neighborhood? People's Attitudes and the Effects of Immigration to Australia

Arndt-Corden Department of Economics

Event details


Date & time

Tuesday 14 August 2012


Seminar Room B, Coombs Building, Fellows Road, ANU


Mathias Sinning, Australian National University, RWI and IZA (co-author: Matthias Vorell, RWI)
This paper compares the effects of immigration flows on economic outcomes and crimelevels to the public opinion about these effects using individual and regional data forAustralia. We employ an instrumental variables strategy to account for non-randomlocation choices of immigrants and find that immigration has no adverse effects onregional unemployment rates, median incomes, or crime levels. This result is in linewith the economic effects that people typically expect but does not confirm the publicopinion about the contribution of immigration to higher crime levels, suggesting thatAustralians overestimate the effect of immigration on crime.

» download paper (PDF, 455kB)

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