Asia and the Pacific Policy Society Conference 2014 - Confronting the Pacific’s health challenges

Crawford School of Public Policy | Asia & the Pacific Policy Society

Event details

Public Policy Week

Date & time

Wednesday 17 September 2014 to Thursday 18 September 2014


Acton Theatre, Level 1, JG Crawford Building 132, Lennox Crossing, ANU


Professor Tikki Pangestu, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore; plus other prominent speakers.


Yanhong Ouyang
6125 4387

Non-communicable and water-borne diseases rank among the most daunting challenges affecting the health and development prospects of people in the Pacific Islands. The Asia and the Pacific Policy Society is convening a conference at Crawford School to explore practical policy options for governments concerned to address these challenges, what public finance, regulatory, health system and whole of government issues these options involve, and what development partners and regional institutions can do to help.

The outcomes and policy recommendations from the conference will be considered for a special health issue of Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies. This special issue, due out in May 2015, aims to capture innovative thinking, knowledge transition and collective action on health policy in the Asia and the Pacific region.

Presenters at the conference will include:

  • Tikki Pangestu, National University of Singapore
  • Roger Magnusson, University of Sydney
  • Susan Ivatts, World Bank
  • Adrian Kay, ANU
  • Peter Annear, Nossal Institute
  • Judith Healy, ANU
  • Paula Vivili, Secretariat of the Pacific Community
  • Steve Blaik, Asian Development Bank

Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies has funding support from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Australian Government.

Conference program

Updated:  1 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team