Designing effective and innovative public policy in a complex environment

Crawford School of Public Policy | HC Coombs Policy Forum

Event details


Date & time

Monday 23 November 2015


Hotel Realm, 18 National Circuit, Barton, Canberra


Keynote speaker, Cass Sunstein, Robert Walmsley University Professor, Harvard University.


HC Coombs Policy Forum
02 6281 6624


This special event will explore emerging ideas and good practice in dealing with complex public policy issues. It will provide an opportunity for participants to hear from leading global and Australian thinkers and practitioners, including a keynote address from Professor Cass Sunstein of Harvard University.

The environment in which policymakers are working is complex and uncertain but the Australian government has an ambitious reform agenda, including for regulatory reform. This conference will explore the ways in which recent research can help in the development of more effective public policy.

The objectives of the conference are:

  • Introduce participants to new ideas, approaches and techniques that can improve Australian public policy
  • Explore the insights offered by behavioural economics and other policy innovations for specific Australian policy challenges
  • Deepen collaboration between the public sector, business, academia and civil society

Confirmed international speakers include:

  • Cass Sunstein Robert Walmsley University Professor; Founder and Director of the Program on Behavioural Economics and Public Policy, Harvard Law School, Harvard University
  • Lam Chuan Leong Practice Professor, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, Singapore
  • Michael Hiscox Clarence Dillion Professor of International Affairs, Harvard University; Founding member of Harvard Behavioural Insights Group
  • Nava Ashraf Associate Professor in the Negotiations, Organisation and Markets Unit, Harvard Business School
  • Benjamin Castleman Assistant Professor of Education and Public Policy, University of Virginia
  • Rory Gallagher Managing Director, Behavioural Insights Team Australia and Asia-Pacific, UK Government; Managing Advisor, Behavioural Insights Unit, NSW Premier and Cabinet

Confirmed local speakers include:

  • Nicholas Biddle Fellow, Centre for Social Research and Methods, ANU
  • Sharon Bessell Research Director, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
  • Linda Botterill Professor in Australian Public Policy, University of Canberra
  • Bob Breunig Acting Director, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
  • John Daley Chief Executive Officer, Grattan Institute
  • Jack R Dan National General Manager-Government, Telstra
  • Uwe Dulleck Professor, Queensland Unversity of Technology
  • Sharon Friel Director, Regulatory Institutions Network, ANU
  • Matthew Gray Director, Australian Center for Applied Social Research Methods
  • Neil Gunningham Professor, Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU
  • Simon Jackman Vice Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of Political Science and Social Science Data Analytics, ANU
  • Adrian Kay Professor of Government, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
  • Andreas Leibbrandt Associate Professor, Monash University
  • Kim Rubenstein Director, Centre for International and Public Law, ANU
  • Andrew Podger Professor of Public Policy, ANU
  • Miranda Stewart Director, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute, Crawford School of Public Policy, ANU
  • Jeroen van der Heijden Research Fellow, Regulatory Institutions Network, ANU
  • Ian Young Vice-Chancellor, ANU
  • Arthur Sinodinos Cabinet Secretary, Australian Government
  • Alison Chartres Assistant Secretary, Development Policy Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Rebecca Cross PSM Head of Domestic Policy, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • Alison Larkins First Assistant Secretary, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

This conference is presented by the HC Coombs Policy Forum, Crawford School of Public Policy, at The Australian National University.

Registration fee (GST inclusive):

  • $750.00 (delegates from government and business sector)
  • $550.00 (delegates from education and civil society sector)
  • $350.00 (students)

Registration enquiry at

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