Australian aid evaluations: new policy, Indonesia's roads, and PNG health

Crawford School of Public Policy | Development Policy Centre

Event details


Date & time

Monday 10 April 2017


Weston Theatre, JG Crawford Building #132, 1 Lennox Crossing, ANU


Staff from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), Australian Doctors International, and ANU.


Husnia Hushang
6125 7922

This forum, which is jointly organised by the Development Policy Centre and the Office of Development Effectiveness (ODE), is the latest in a series on the evaluation of Australian aid.

This event will focus on the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (DFAT’s) new aid evaluation policy and two recent evaluations.

Recently, DFAT has overhauled its approach to evaluation, with a new Aid Evaluation Policy and, for the first time, an Annual Aid Evaluation Plan – both available on the ODE website. The Head of ODE will explain what these mean, and what difference they will make.

The $336 million, ten-year Eastern Indonesia Roads Improvement Program was one of Australia’s largest ever aid projects, and one of the most successful. This recent ODE evaluation assesses its results, and draws out the lessons for aid-funded infrastructure programs elsewhere.

Remote service delivery in PNG is always a challenge. But a recent evaluation of remote health patrols run by Australian Doctors International (ADI) in New Ireland from 2011 to 2015 suggests that this is a model that works. Hear from the evaluator on her findings, and from the ADI Chief Executive Officer on how ADI is responding.

ODE is an operationally independent unit within DFAT that measures and reports on the effectiveness of the Australian aid program.

Further information about the Development Policy Centre:

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Access presentations

Aid Evaluation Policy and Annual Aid Evaluation Plan

By Penny Davis, Office of Development Effectiveness

Investing in roads - lessons from the Eastern Indonesia, National Road Improvement Project

By Simon Ernst, Office of Development Effectiveness

Evaluation of ADI’s New Ireland integrated patrol system over the period of 2011 to 2015

By Klara Henderson, evaluation author (video)

Updated:  13 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team