National Security Podcast: Women in National Security series

30 October 2018

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Dr. Jennifer S. Hunt is a lecturer in the National Security College and a Research Associate at the US Studies Centre. Dr. Jennifer S. Hunt specialises in the national security of critical systems including energy and cyber. She has published on comparative national security policy in the US, Australia, and the Arab Gulf.

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Hosted by the ANU National Security College, the Women in National Security Conference was a forum on the participation of women in Australia’s future national security policy and practice – and the National Security Podcast was there to bring you the highlights.

Episode 1 | Raising Australia’s next generation of cyber security experts

In this first episode of our six-part mini-series, host Chris Farnham hears from Amy Roberts and Catherine Bridges about how Australia can secure its next generation of cyber experts. They take a look at ethical hacking, technological disruption, and the danger of group-think in cybersecurity.

Listen to the first episode here.

Episode 2 | Piecing together gender and extremism in Southeast Asia

This second episode is hosted by Gabrielle Kneipp and comes in two parts. First, Chris Farnham hears from conference convenor Jacinta Carroll about diversity in Australia’s national security community. Next, Jacinta Carroll talks to Nava Nuraniyah about the gender and social aspects of extremism in Southeast Asia.

Listen to the second episode here.

Episode 3 | A New Start to nuclear tensions?

This jam-packed third episode is hosted by Gabrielle Kneipp and was recorded on the first day of the conference. First up, Chris Farnham hears from Matilda House, who opened the event with a Welcome to Country, before catching up with some of the conference attendees for some on-the-ground insights. Last but not least, the National Security College’s Jennifer Hunt chats with Madelyn Creedon about her long career in nuclear politics and the recent US decision to pull out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

Listen to the third episode here.

Episode 4 | Men and women in global conflict

On this fourth episode of the series, Chris Farnham hears from Assistant Minister for Home Affairs Linda Reynolds about her career in the national security community, chats to Lydia Khalil about the fall of ISIS and the future of the Caliphate, and catches up with some participants of the conference. Then, as the feature interview for this podcast, Katherine Mansted from the National Security College chats to Chantal de Jonge Oudraat, President of Women in International Security (WIIS). Topics discussed include the changing nature of global conflict; the impact of women on peace negotiations; and why the world is making slow progress on the Women, Peace and Security agenda. This episode is hosted by Gabrielle Kneipp.

Listen to the fourth episode here.

Episode 5 | Putting the Indo-Pacific in context

On this fifth episode of the series, Chris Farnham hears from Nicole Renvert about Germany’s ties to the Indo-Pacific, catches up with participants on the final day of the conference, and chats to Huong Le Thu about how Southeast Asia views the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue. This episode is hosted by Gabrielle Kneipp.

Listen to the fifth episode here.

Episode 6 | What happens when a Far North Queensland Indigenous community teams up with a local army unit?

On this final podcast of the series hosted by Gabrielle Kneipp, Jacinta Carroll and Jay Caldwell hear from Eileen Deemal-Hall – the CEO of the Wujal Wujal Shire Council – and Lieutenant Colonel Tim Rutherford about how they partnered up to enhance security, build community, and combat issues of domestic violence, climate change, and food insecurity in eastern Cape York.

Listen to the sixth episode here.

We’d love to hear your feedback for this podcast series! Send in your questions, comments, or suggestions for future episodes to You can also Tweet us @APPSPolicyForum or find us on Facebook.

The team behind this National Security Podcast series includes Edwina Landale, Gabrielle Kneipp, Martyn Pearce and Chris Farnham.

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