Prospects post-Durban for the international climate negotiations: The virtuous cycle of national and international climate policy and politics


Event details


Date & time

Thursday 22 March 2012


Weston Lecture Theatre, Crawford School of Public Policy, #132 Lennox Crossing, ANU


Jennifer L. Morgan Director, Climate and Energy Program, World Resources Institute


Ms Yanhong Ouyang
02 61254387
The Durban Climate Conference provides a new opportunity to deliver a binding international agreement for all countries by 2015. The success of this endeavor, however, rests on the actions taken in the near-term to close the mitigation gap and ensure effective implementation in key countries around the world.

In this seminar Ms Morgan will address key questions including, what were the key dynamics for the Durban outcome to emerge? How are some of the major players reacting to the climate problem? What are the choices for Australia in the coming years?

Prior to her appointment at the World Resources Institute Jennifer L Morgan worked at E3G as Global Climate Change Director, where she lead the organisation’s climate change work on its full range of global activities. Ms Morgan focused on EU relations with China and the United States and continued her long-standing involvement in the global discussions on the future of the climate regime post-2012. She remains a non-executive Board member of E3G. In 2007, she served as Senior Advisor to the German Chancellorô‹s Chief Advisor, Dr. Schellnhuber and since 2008 advised former Prime Minister Tony Blair in his Breaking the Climate Deadlock project. Ms Morgan led the Global Climate Change Programme of Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF). She joined WWF in 1998 and headed its delegation to the Kyoto Protocol climate negotiations. She has also served on a number of Boards including the Climate Action Network, the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership and REN21.

Updated:  16 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team