Ecosystem services come of age: Linking science, policy, and participation for sustainable human well-being

Crawford School of Public Policy

Event details

Public Lecture

Date & time

Tuesday 15 May 2012


Weston Lecture Theatre, Crawford School of Public Policy, #132 Lennox Crossing, ANU


Professor Robert Costanza, Director, Institute for Sustainable Solutions (ISS), Portland State University


Amelia Bidgood
6125 1224
Professor Costanza is the Founding Director of the Gund Institute and the former Gund Professor of Ecological Economics at the University of Vermont. Prior to this he was director of the University of Maryland Institute for Ecological Economics, and a professor in the Centre for Environmental Science, at Solomons, and in the Biology Department at College Park.

He is co-founder and past-president of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE) and was chief editor of the Society?ù®s journal: Ecological Economics from its inception until 9/02. He currently serves on the editorial board of eight other international academic journals. He is past president of the International Society for Ecosystem Health.

Professor Costanza has been selected for a number of awards including a Kellogg National Fellow, the Society for Conservation Biology Distinguished Achievement Award a Pew Scholar in Conservation and the Environment, the Kenneth Boulding Memorial Award for Outstanding Contributions in Ecological Economics. He has also received an honorary doctorate in natural sciences from Stockholm University. He has served on the Scientific Steering Committee for the LOICZ and AIMES core project of the IGBP; the US EPA National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT); the National Research Council Board on Sustainable Development, Committee on Global Change Research; the National Research Council, Board on Global Change; the US National Committee for the Man and the Biosphere Program, and the National Marine Fisheries Service Committee on Ecosystem Principles.

Professor Costanza?ù®s research has focused on the interface between ecological and economic systems, particularly at larger temporal and spatial scales. This includes landscape level spatial simulation modeling; analysis of energy and material flows through economic and ecological systems; valuation of ecosystem services, biodiversity, and natural capital; and analysis of dysfunctional incentive systems and ways to correct them.

His work has been cited in more than 3,000 scientific articles since 1987 and more than 80 interviews and reports on his work have appeared in various media, including Newsweek, US News and World Report, The Economist, The New York Times, Science, Nature, National Geographic, and National Public Radio.

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