2014 Pacific Update

Crawford School of Public Policy | Development Policy Centre

Event details


Date & time

Monday 16 June 2014 to Tuesday 17 June 2014


Molonglo Theatre, Level 2, JG Crawford Building 132, Lennox Crossing, ANU


Various speakers.


Macarena Rojas

The 2014 Pacific Update provided a forum for discussion of the latest economic and policy developments in the region.

This annual event brought together leading thinkers and policy makers from the Pacific to discuss both country developments and regional issues.

The 2014 Pacific Update consisted of two days of panel discussions, including country updates from around the Pacific and panel sessions on: aid to the Pacific; regionalism and the Pacific Plan Review; fisheries management; and skills and labour mobility.

The 2014 Pacific Update was presented by the Development Policy Centre at Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, and it was supported by the Asian Development Bank’s Pacific Economic Management Technical Assistance and the Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies.

It formed part of the 2014 Pacific Perspectives week at ANU, and was followed by a two-day conference organised by the State Society and Governance in Melanesia program.

Presentations - Day 1

Opening keynote address

Yongzheng Yang, Resident Representative for Pacific Islands Countries, IMF
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Regional economic update

Christopher Edmonds, Senior Economist, Pacific Department, ADB
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Large and resource rich economies: managing the resource curse for inclusive growth

Papua New Guinea
Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre

Timor Leste
Helder Lopes, Coordinator and Advisor, National Directorate for Economic Policy, Ministry of Finance, Timor Leste
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Fiji: waking the Pacific’s sleeping giant

Filimone Waqabaca, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Fiji

Satish Chand, Professor, University of New South Wales
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Relatively diversified economies: prospects for inclusive growth

Benjamin Pereira, Assistant Governor, Central bank of Samoa
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Sione Ngongo Kioa, Governor, National Bank of Tonga
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Aid dependent economies: prospects in the region’s smaller states

Letasi Iulai, Advisor to Executive Director, The World Bank
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Presentations - Day 2

Parallel session 1a: Regionalism - responding to the Pacific Plan Review

Do many hands make light work? an assesment of pooled service deliverly in the Pacific islands region
Tess Newton Cain, Visiting Fellow, Development Policy Centre and Non-Resident Fellow, Lowy Institute for International Policy
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The Pacific Plan Review and the Forum Secretariat
Seini O’Connor, Pacific Plan Advisior, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
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Reflections on regionalism and the role of the private sector
Epa Tuioti, Former Vice Chair, Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation
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Parallel session 1b: Skills and employment in the Pacific

Skills assessments in the Pacific
Richard Curtain, Visiting Fellow, Development Policy Centre
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‘Well-being from work in Pacific island countries’report’
Tobias Haque, Economist, The World Bank
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Realising Pacific job needs in the 21st Century
Andrew Parker, Principal Social Sector Economist, ADB
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Parallel session 2a: The business/investment environment

The reality of trade and investment in the Pacific islands
Tim Martin, Executive Manager, Investment and Tourism, Pacific Islands Trade and Invest
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Infrastructure development and the private sector
Sanjivi Rajasingham, Director, Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility
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Parallel session 2b: labour mobility

New research on Australia’s seasonal worker program
Jesse Doyle, The World Bank
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Migration in Micronesia
Michael Levin, Adjunct Fellow, East-West Center
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Pacific islander migrants in Australian census data
Jonathan Pryke, Development Policy Centre
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Tuna fisheries management

Tuna fisheries in the Pacific
Glenn Hurry, Executive Director, Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
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The vessel day scheme
Les Clark, Fisheries Specialist & Saangalofa Clark, policy Development Advisor, PNA Office
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Managing aid:Pacific islands countries and the changing dynamics of development

Chinese development assistance in the Pacific
Matthew Dornan, Development Policy Centre
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Aid for trade and the Pacific
Wesley Morgan, University of Melbourne
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Compact trust funds in Micronesia
Michael Wulfsohn, Development Policy Centre
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Updated:  10 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team