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Elise Klein

Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy

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Kothari, U. and Klein, E. Advanced Introduction to Development Studies, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK (2023).

Klein, E. and Morreo, C. Post Development in Practice (eds), Routledge, Oxford (2019).

Klein, E., Mays, J., Dunlop, T. Implementing A Basic Income in Australia: Pathways Forward, (eds), Palgrave MacMillan, London (2019).

Klein, E. Reading Amartya Sen’s Inequality Re-examined Study Book, Mouseion/ Routledge (2018)

Klein, E. Developing Minds: Psychology, Neoliberalism, Power, Routledge, Oxford (2018).

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Klein, E. “Towards a reparative welfare state”, New Political Economy, (2022)DOI: 10.1080/13563467.2022.2084519

Klein, E., Cook, K., Maury, S. Bowey, K. (2022). “Understanding Covid-19 emergency social security measures as a form of basic income: Lessons from Australia”, Journal of Sociology, 14407833221106242. [First Published: 27 June 2022]

Klein, E. “On care, welfare conditionality and expropriation” Gender, Work and Organization, 28 (4), 1475-1489 1-22 (2021),

Klein, E., Cook, K., Maury, S. Bowey, K. “An exploratory study examining the changes to Australia’s social security system during COVID-19 lockdown measures” Australian Journal of Social Issues, 57 (1), 51-69, (2021),

Klein, E., Cook, K., Maury, S. Bowey, K. “Gendered impacts of changing social security payments during COVID-19 lockdowns: an exploratory study” Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 24 (2), 213-225, (2021), .

Klein, E. and Fouksman, E. “Reparations as a Rightful Share: From Universalism to Redress in Distributive Justice”, Development and Change, 53 (1), 31-57, (2021),

Klein, E., Mills, C, Achuthan, A. Hilberg, E. “Human Technologies, affect, and the global psy-complex”, Economy and Society, 50 (3), 347-358, (2021),

Mills, C. and Klein E. “Affective technologies of welfare deterrence in Australia and the United Kingdom”, Economy and Society, 50 (3), 397-422, (2021),

Klein, E. “Missing the Value of Care: When care is the focus of punitive welfare policy: ParentsNext”, Arena Quarterly (Special Issue on Care), 6, 43-48, (2021),

Moodie, N., K. Adams, D. Casey, K. Cripps, M. Davis, P. Dudgeon, S. Eades, S. Faulkner, S. Sutherland, J. Ward, J. Altman, K. Derry, J. Hunt, E. Klein, S. McDonnell, I. Ring, M. Yap, (2020), “Roadmap to Recovery: Reporting on a research taskforce supporting Indigenous responses to COVID-19 in Australia”, Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56: 4– 16, (2021),

Klein, E. “The Indigenous development assemblage and contemporary forms of elimination in settler colonial Australia”, Postcolonial Studies, 24 (3), 362-383 (2020),

Klein, E. (2020). “Settler colonialism in Australia and the cashless debit card”, Social Policy & Administration (Special Issue on International Perspectives on the Theories and Practices of Welfare Conditionality), 54 (2): 265-277 (2020),

Piedue, A., Gilberston, A., Alexyeff, K. & Klein E. “Is Gender-based Violence a Social Norm? Rethinking Power in a Popular Development Intervention”, Feminist Review, 126 (1), 89-105, (2020)

Vincent, E., Markham, F. & Klein, E. “Moved on’? An exploratory study of the Cashless Debit Card and Indigenous mobility”, Australian Journal of Social Issues: Special Issue: Welfare Conditionality in Australia, 55 (1): 27-39 (2020),

Parsell, C, Vincent, E, Klein, E, Clarke, A, Walsh, T. “Introduction: Special issue, welfare conditionality in Australia”. Australian Journal of Social Issues, 55 (1), 4– 12 (2020),

Moodie, N., K. Adams, D. Casey, K. Cripps, M. Davis, P. Dudgeon, S. Eades, S. Faulkner, S. Sutherland, J. Ward, J. Altman, K. Derry, J. Hunt, E. Klein, S. McDonnell, I. Ring, M. Yap, (2020), “Roadmap to Recovery: Reporting on a research taskforce supporting Indigenous responses to COVID-19 in Australia”, Australian Journal of Social Issues, Online, 1-13 (2020),

Fox, N. J., & Klein, E. “The micropolitics of behavioural interventions: a new materialist analysis”. BioSocieties, 15: 226–244 (2020)

Fouksman. E. & Klein, E. “Radical transformation or technological intervention? Two paths for universal basic income”, World Development, 122: 492-500 (2019),

Klein, E. and Razi, S. “Contemporary tools of dispossession: The Cashless Debit Card Trial in the East Kimberley”, Journal of Australian Political Economy (Special Issue on Indigenous welfare policy), 82: 84-106 (2018),

Klein, E. “Economic Rights and a Basic Income”, Griffith Journal on Law and Human Dignity,6 (1): 102-116 (2018),

Altman, J. and Klein, E. “Lessons from a basic income program for Indigenous Australians”, Oxford Development Studies, 46 (1): 132-146 (2017),

Klein, E. “The World Bank on Mind, Behaviour and Society”, Development and Change, 48(3): 481–501 (2017),

Klein E. and Mills, C., “Psy-Expertise, therapeutic culture and the new politics of the personal in development”, Third World Quarterly, 38(9):1990-2008 (2017),

Klein, E., and Ballon, P. “Rethinking Measures of Psychological Agency: A study on the urban fringe of Bamako”, Journal of Development Studies (Special Issue), 54 (8): 1284-1302 (2017),

Klein, E. “Women’s agency and the psychological domain: Evidence from the urban fringe of Bamako”. Feminist Economics (A special issue on voice and agency), 22(1): 106-129 (2016),

Klein, E. “Neoliberal subjectivities and the behavioural focus in income management” Australian Journal of Social Issues, 51(4): 503–523 (2016),

Klein, E., Cubillo, E., “Have Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services Failed? A response to Weatherburn”, Australian Review of Public Affairs, 14(1):1-24 (2016),

Klein, E., “The curious case of the use of the capability approach in Australian Indigenous policy”, Journal of Capabilities and Human Development, 17 (2): 245-259 (2015),

Klein, E. “Psychological agency: Evidence from the urban fringe of Bamako” World Development, 64: 642-653 (2014),

Klein, E. “Social Norms, Agency and Associations on the Urban Fringe of Bamako,” West African Review, 24: 1525-4488 (2014),

Scholarly-refereed Book Chapters

Klein, E. “Behaviour as a technology of development” in (eds) S. Pahuja, R. Buchanan & L. Eslava, Oxford Handbook of International Law and Development, Oxford: Oxford University Press, (2023).

Klein, E. “New Geographies of Economic Development, In (eds) P. Cloake, K. Dombroski, M. Goodwin, A. Williams, Introducing Human Geographies 4th Edition, Routledge: Oxford, (2023).

Klein E. “Decay in settler colonial Australia”, G.Hage, Decay, Durham: Duke University Press, p. 99-109, (2021),

Klein E. and Morreo C., ‘Post Development in Practice’, in (eds) Klein E. and Morreo C., Post Development in Practice, Routledge: Oxford, (2019),

Klein E., Mays J. and Dunlop, T. ‘Pathways forward to Implementing a Basic Income in Australia’, in (eds) Klein E., Mays J. and Dunlop, T., Implementing a Basic Income in Australia: Pathways Forward, Palgrave Macmillan: London, (2019),

Klein, E. and Ballon, P., “Agency and the Capability Approach: Implications for Multidimensional Poverty Reduction in the ‘Leave no-one Behind’ Sustainable Development Agenda” In Human development in discussion: the potential of capability friendly policies, Hans-Uwe Otto and Holger Ziegler (eds.); Policy Press, 43-62, (2017),
Klein, E. “Capability approach” in The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Hilary Callan, (Ed), Wiley Blackwell, New York (2016),

Klein, E. “Human Development” in The Sage World Poverty Encyclopaedia, Mehmet Odekon (Ed.), Sage, New York (2016),

Edited Special Issues

Klein, E., Mills, C, Achuthan, A. Hilberg, E. “Human Technologies, affect, and the global psy-complex”, Economy and Society, 50 (3), 2021.

Klein E, and Kothari U., ‘Bordering: Creating, contesting and resisting practice’ Borderlands. 19, (1), 2020,

Klein E, and Kothari U., ‘Bordering: Creating, contesting and resisting practice’ Borderlands. 18, (2), 2020,

Vincent, E., Parsell, C. & Klein, E. “Welfare conditionality in Australia”, Australian Journal of Social Issues, 55(1), 2020

Other Research Publications

Klein, E. “Book Review: Transfer State: The Idea of a Guaranteed Income and the Politics of Redistribution in Modern Britain by Peter Sloman”, Economic Record, (2022)

Klein, E., Markham, F. Altman, J. and Staines, Z. “Remote access: Guiding principles for a new livelihood and work program in remote Indigenous Australia”, Australia Institute, (2021)

Klein, E, Cook, K, Maury, M & Bowey, K., Social security and time use during COVID-19, Swinburne University of Technology & Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, Melbourne, (2021)

Klein, E. “What do we learn from COVID-19 about Unconditionality?” In Tim Hollo (ed) Can We Imagine A Future In Which Welfare Is Unconditional? Green Institute; Canberra, (2020),

Quiggin, J, E., Klein, T. Dunlop, T. Henderson, J. Goodall. “Liveable Income Guarantee”, Tax and Transfers Policy Institute Working Paper, (2020),
Klein, E. and Razi, S., “The Cashless Debit Card and the East Kimberley”, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research Working Paper, ANU, 12½017, 1-18 (2017),

Klein, E. “How the ideas behind a UBI can inform the development of employment policy for remote Indigenous Australia” in Kirrily Jordan (eds), ‘Job Creation and Income Support in Remote Indigenous Australia: Moving Forward with a Better System’, CAEPR Topical Issue 2/2016, 24-25 (2016).,

Klein, E., “Towards an historical account of Universal Basic Income”, The Green Institute, November (2016),,
Klein, E. “The Capabilities Approach in Australian Indigenous Policy,” Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Working Paper 102/2015, ANU, 1-13 (2015),,

Klein, E. “Empowered Communities: review of the empowered communities design report”, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Topical Issue ½015, ANU, 1-9 (2015).,
Klein, E., “Academic Perspective on the Forrest Review: Creating Parity,” Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Topical Paper: 2/2014, 1-28 (2015),

Klein, E. “Empowered Communities: review of the empowered communities design report”, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Topical Issue ½015, ANU, 1-9 (2015).,

Klein, E., “Psychological agency: Evidence from the urban fringe of Bamako” Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative. Working Paper #69, 1-29 (2015),,

Submissions to government

Klein, E. “The Cashless Debit Card”, Submission (by invitation) to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Repeal of Cashless Debit Card and Other Measures) Bill 2022

Klein, E. “Care and Work”, Senate Select Committee on Work and Care, (2022),

Klein, E. “Submission”, Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Carer’s Leave (2022).

Klein, E “ParentsNext: examination of Social Security (Parenting payment participation requirements - class of persons) instrument 2021”, Submission (by invitation) to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights

Henderson, T., Spies-Butcher, B. and Klein, E. “Job Security”, Submission (by invitation), to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security (2021). Klein, E., Cook, K, Maury, M & Bowey, K “Job security and COVID-19”, Submission (by invitation) to the Senate Select Committee on Job Security, (2021)

Altman, J., Klein, E. Markham, F. And Staines, Z. “Guiding Principles for a new livelihood and work program in remote Indigenous Australia”. Submission (by invitation), to the Senate Inquiry into the Remote Engagement Program Bill (2021).

Klein, E. “The Cashless Debit Card” Submission (by invitation) to the Federal Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Security (Administration) Transition (Income Management and Cashless Welfare) Bill 2019

Klein, E. “The Cashless Debit Card” Submission (by invitation) to the Federal Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Security (Administration) Amendment (Income Management and Cashless Welfare) Bill 2019.

Klein, E. “Why Still the Cashless Debit Card” Submission (by invitation) to the Federal Standing Committee on Community Affairs Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment (Cashless Debit Card Trial Expansion) Bill 2018.

Klein, E., “The Future of Work” expert evidence given (by invitation) to the Federal Senate Inquiry into the Future of Work and Workers (2018).

Klein, E., “The Cashless Debit Card” expert evidence given (by invitation) to the WA Coronial Inquest into the Deaths of Thirteen Children and Young Persons in the Kimberley Region, Western Australia (2017).

Klein, E., “The Cashless Debit Card” Submission (by invitation) to the Federal Senate Inquiry into the Cashless Debit Card (2017).

Klein, E., “The Community Development Program” Submission (by invitation) to the Federal Finance and Public Administration References Committee Inquiry into the appropriateness and effectiveness of the objectives, design, implementation and evaluation of the Community Development Program (CDP) (2017).

Klein, E., ‘Final report on norms and women’s economic empowerment’, UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment (2017),

Klein, E., ‘Toolkit on norms and women’s economic empowerment’, UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment (2017),

Klein, E.,“Social norms and women’s economic empowerment”, UN Secretary General High Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment background paper, 1-38 (2017),

Non-Academic Publications

Klein, E. “Has Labor learnt from the failure of the Cashless Debit Card?”, The Conversation, August 3rd, 2022,

Maury, S. Olney, S. Cook, K, Klein, E., Bielefeld, S., “The social safety net as a complex system failure for women”, The Power to Persuade, 7th February, 2022,

Klein, E, Cook, K, Maury, M & Bowey, K. “What happens when you free unemployed Australians from mutual obligations and boost their benefits? We just found out, The Conversation, 25th March 2021,
Klein, E. and Mills, C. “Islands of deterrence: Britain’s long history of banishing undesirables”, OpenDemocracy, 1st April, 2021,
Staines, Z. Klein, E., Altman, J. Markham, F. To enable healing, there is a more effective way to close the gap in employment in remote Australia, The Conversation, 6th August 2021,

Klein, E. Altman, J. and Tennant, D. “The cashless debit card could be another robodebt-style fiasco”, The Guardian, 2nd of December 2020,

Klein, E. “Why is the government trying to make the cashless debit card permanent? Research shows it does not work”, The Conversation, November 12, 2020
Quiggin, J., Klein, E., Henderson, T. “Meet the Liveable Income Guarantee: a budget-readyproposal that would prevent unemployment benefits falling off a cliff”, The Conversation, October 1st 2020,,
Klein, E. “Australia has been stigmatising unemployed people for almost 100 years. COVID-19 is our big chance to change this”, The Conversation, August 5, 2020,
Klein, E. & Sebastian, A. “Not Enough Work? There is plenty, we just need to pay for it”, Canberra Times, July 21 2020,,
Quiggin, J., Klein, E., Henderson, T. “Forget JobSeeker. In our post-COVID economy, Australia needs a ‘liveable income guarantee’ instead”, The Conversation, July 5 2020,,
Klein, E., Vincent, E. “After RoboDebt, it’s time to address ParentsNext”, The Conversation, June 5 2020,

Bielefeld, S., Tilley, S., Kunjan, P. and Klein, E. “Cashless Debit Card Expansion under COVID-19”, Power to Persuade, June 9, 2020,,
Klein, E., “There’s mounting evidence against the Cashless Debit Card but the government is ploughing on regardless”, The Conversation, November 1 2019,,
Tennant, D. Klein, E., Wighton, J., Bielefeld, S. “Income Management” Arena, No 153 (May 2018),,
Klein, E., “As costs mount, the government should abandon the Cashless Debit Card”, The Conversation, December 12, 2017,,
Klein, E., “Is Newstart slowly killing people? On considering slow death, Policy Forum, 14th November 2019,,
Klein, E. “Universal basic income should be seen as a rightful share of society’s wealth” ABC Online, 14th May 2018,
Klein, E., “Breaking the Spell of Labour”, Overland, 232 Spring, 2018,,

Klein, E., “ The Cashless Debit Card causes social and economic harm so why trial it again?”, The Conversation, March 30, 2017,,
Klein, E., “Why Australia needs a universal basic income: Freedom, justice and economic transformation”, Policy Forum, 16th February 2017,

Klein, E. Look up: how policy gaps and failure blind us to what’s going on in Indigenous affair”, December 2, 2016,,
Klein, E. Universal Basic Income, Arena Magazine, No. 142, In Print and online June 2016,,
Klein, E. Securing Economic Rights: The time has come, The Green Agenda, September, Online (2015).,

Klein, E. Empowered Indigenous Communities, Feature Article, Arena Magazine, No. 136, Print and online (2015),

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