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Mira Käkönen



D.Soc.Sc. (2021, Global Development Studies, University of Helsinki) M.Soc.Sc. (2012, Sociology, University of Helsinki) B.Soc.Sc. (2009, Sociology, University of Helsinki)

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Karhunmaa, K., & Käkönen, M. (2024). Turning Attention to the Afterlives of Knowledge Infrastructures. Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, 48(2), 99–103.

Käkönen, M. (2023). Entangled enclaves: Dams, volatile rivers, and Chinese infrastructural engagement in Cambodia. Advances in Southeast Asian Studies, 16(2), 269-295.

Käkönen, M. & A. Nygren (2023). Resurgent dams: shifting power formations, persistent harms, and obscured responsibilities. Globalizations, 20(6), 866-886

Käkönen, M. (2020). Fixing the fluid: Making Resources and ordering hydrosocial relations in the Mekong Region. Doctoral dissertation. Helsinki: University of Helsinki.

Käkönen, M. & T. Thuon (2019). Overlapping zones of exclusion: carbon markets, corporate hydropower enclaves and timber extraction in Cambodia. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 46(6), 1192-1218.

Käkönen, M. (2019). Ympäristökysymykset ja valtasuhteet Mekongin alueella [Environment and power relations in the Mekong Region]. In E. Kettunen (Ed.) Kaakkois-Aasia: Talous, ympäristö ja yhteiskunta [Southeast Asia: Economy, environment and society]. Helsinki: Gaudeamus 144-166.

Lebel, L., M. Käkönen, V. Dany, P. Lebel, T. Try, & S. Voladet (2018). The framing and governance of climate change adaptation projects in Lao PDR and Cambodia. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 18:3, 429–446.

Räsänen A., A. Nygren, A. Monge Monge, M. Käkönen, M. Kanninen & S. Juhola (2018). From divide to nexus: Interconnected land use and water management changes shaping risks and vulnerabilities. Applied Geography 90: 106-114.

Räsänen, A., S. Juhola, A. Monge, M. Käkönen, M. Kanninen & A. Nygren (2017) Identifying mismatches between institutional perceptions of water-related risk drivers and water management strategies in three river basin areas, Journal of Hydrology 550, 704-715

Räsänen, A., S. Juhola, A. Nygren, M. Käkönen, A. Monge Monge & M. Kanninen (2016) Climate change, multiple stressors and human vulnerability: a systematic review, Regional Environmental Change 16, 2291–2302.

Nygren, A.,** M. Käkönen** & J. Ylhäisi, J. S. (2016). Kehitysmaiden maaseudut [Rural lives and livelihoods in the global South]. In Koponen, J. M., Lanki, J., Sato, M. and Kervinen, A. (Eds) Kehityksen tutkimus: Johdatus perusteisiin. [Introduction to Development Studies] Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 207-229.

Nygren, A., J. Koponen, J. Ylhäisi & M. Käkönen (2016). Ympäristö ja kehitys. [Environment and Development] In Kehityksen tutkimus: Johdatus perusteisiin. [Introduction to Development Studies]. In Koponen, J. M., Lanki, J., Sato, M. and Kervinen, A. (Eds). Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 283-309.

Vazquez, L., J. Luukkanen, H. Kaisti, M. Käkönen & Y. Majanne (2015). Decomposition analysis of Cuban energy production and use: Analysis of energy transformation for sustainability. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 49: 638–645.

Käkönen, M., L. Lebel, K. Karhunmaa, V. Dany & T. Try (2014). Rendering Climate Change Governable in the Least-Developed Countries: Policy Narratives and Expert Technologies in Cambodia, Forum for Development Studies, 41(3), 1–25.

Kaisti, H. & M. Käkönen (2012) Actors, Interests and Forces Shaping the Energyscape of the Mekong Region, Forum for Development Studies, 39(2), 147-158.

Käkönen, M. & Kaisti, H. (2012) The World Bank, Laos and Renewable Energy Revolution in the Making: Challenges in Alleviating Poverty and Mitigating Climate Change. Forum for Development Studies, 39(2), 159–184.

Keskinen, M., M. Kummu, M. Käkönen and O. Varis (2012). Mekong at the Crossroads: Next Steps for Impact Assessment of Large Dams, Ambio, 41(3), 319–324.

Molle, M., T. Foran and M. Käkönen (2009). Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods, and Governance. London: Routledge

Käkönen, M. and Hirsch, P. (2009). The Anti-Politics of Mekong Knowledge Production. In Francois Molle, Tira Foran and Mira Käkönen (eds.), Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance. London: Routledge, pp. 333-365.

Käkönen, M. (2008) Mekong Delta at crossroads: More adaptation or control? Ambio, 37(3), 205–212.[205:MDATCM]2.0.CO;2

Keskinen, M., M. Käkönen, P. Tola and O. Varis (2007) The Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia; water-related conflicts with abundance of water, The Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 2(2), 49–59.

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