Rebecca Colvin
Associate Professor; Environment, Resources & Development
Bachelor of Environmental Management, Honours 1, Valedictorian, 2012, The University of Queensland
PhD (Environmental Management), “The Social Identity Approach to Understanding Stakeholder Conflict in Environmental and Natural Resources Management”, 2017, The University of Queensland
Peer reviewed articles and chapters:
Colvin, R. M. 2023. Contextualizing coal communities for Australia’s new Net Zero Authority. Nature Energy, doi:10.1038/s41560-023-01307-7.
Hendriks, C. M. & Colvin, R. M. 2023. Spaces of public participation in contemporary governance. In: BARRY, N., CHEN, P., HAIGH, Y., MOTTA, S. C. & PERCHE, D. (eds.) Australian Politics and Policy: Senior Edition. Sydney: Sydney University Press.
Karcher, D. B., Cvitanovic, C., Colvin, R. & van Putten, I. 2023. Enabling successful science-policy knowledge exchange between marine biodiversity research and management: An Australian case study. Environmental Policy and Governance, doi:
Burnard, A & Colvin, RM 2022. Storylines of Geoengineering in the Australian Media: An Analysis of Online Coverage 2006–2018. Environmental Communication 16(7): 977-992, doi:10.1080/17524032.2022.2141290.
Colvin, RM & Przybyszewski, E 2022, ‘Local residents’ policy preferences in an energy contested region – The Upper Hunter, Australia’, Energy Policy 162: 112776.
Sin-ampol, P., Daniell, K. A. & Colvin, R. M. 2022, ‘Social Identities and Unequal Vulnerabilities under Structural Transition to Community-based Flood Risk Governance in the Yom River Basin’, In A. Drogoul, E. Espagne, L. H. T. Phuong & S. Lagrée (Eds.) ‘Inequalities and environmental changes in the Mekong River Basin’, pp. 53–84, France: AFD Editions.
Karcher, D. B., Cvitanovic, C., van Putten, I. E., Colvin, R. M., Armitage, D., Aswani, S., Ballesteros, M., Ban, N. C., Barragán-Paladines, M. J., Bednarek, A., Bell, J. D., Brooks, C. M., Daw, T. M., de la Cruz-Modino, R., Francis, T. B., Fulton, E. A., Hobday, A. J., Holcer, D., Hudson, C., Jennerjahn, T. C., Kinney, A., Knol-Kauffman, M., Löf, M. F., Lopes, P. F. M., Mackelworth, P. C., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Muhl, E.-K., Neihapi, P., Pascual-Fernández, J. J., Posner, S. M., Runhaar, H., Sainsbury, K., Sander, G., Steenbergen, D. J., Tuda, P. M., Whiteman, E. & Zhang, J. 2022. Lessons from bright-spots for advancing knowledge exchange at the interface of marine science and policy. Journal of Environmental Management 314: 114994, doi:
Colvin, R. M. & Jotzo, F. 2021. Australian voters’ attitudes to climate action and their social-political determinants. PLOS ONE 16(3): e0248268, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0248268.
Witt, G. B., Althor, G., Colvin, R. M., Witt, K. J., Gillespie, N., McCrea, R., Lacey, J. & Faulkner, T. 2021. How environmental values influence trust and beliefs about societal oversight and need for regulation of the Australian cattle industry. Environmental Research Letters 16(3): 034006, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/abe1f7.
Schenuit, F., Colvin, R.M., Fridahl, M., McMullin, B., Reisinger, A., Sanchez, D. L., Smith, S. M., Torvanger, A., Wreford, A. & Geden, O. 2021. Carbon Dioxide Removal Policy in the Making: Assessing Developments in 9 OECD Cases. Frontiers in Climate 3(7): 638805, doi:10.3389/fclim.2021.638805.
Karcher, D. B., Cvitanovic, C., Colvin, R. M., van Putten, I. E. & Reed, M. S. 2021. Is this what success looks like? Mismatches between the aims, claims, and evidence used to demonstrate impact from knowledge exchange processes at the interface of environmental science and policy. Environmental Science & Policy 125: 202-218, doi:
Harker-Schuch, I., Lade, S., Mills, F. & Colvin, R. 2021. Opinions of 12 to 13-year-olds in Austria and Australia on the concern, cause and imminence of climate change. Ambio 50(3): 644-660, doi:10.1007/s13280-020-01356-2.
Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. B. & Lacey, J. 2020. Power, perspective, and privilege: The challenge of translating stakeholder theory from business management to environmental and natural resource management. Journal of Environmental Management 271: 110974, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.110974.
Badullovich, N., Grant, W. J. & Colvin, R. M. 2020. Framing climate change for effective communication: a systematic map. Environmental Research Letters 15(12): 123002, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/aba4c7.
Colvin, R. M. 2020. Social identity in the energy transition: an analysis of the “Stop Adani Convoy” to explore social-political conflict in Australia. Energy Research & Social Science 66: 101492, doi:
Colvin, R. M., Kemp, L., Talberg, A., De Castella, C., Downie, C., Friel, S., Grant, W. J., Howden, M., Jotzo, F., Markham, F. & Platow, M. J. 2020. Learning from the Climate Change Debate to Avoid Polarisation on Negative Emissions. Environmental Communication 14(1): 23-35, doi:10.1080/17524032.2019.1630463.
Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. B., Lacey, J. & McCrea, R. 2020. The role of conflict framing and social identity in public opinion about land use change: An experimental test in the Australian context. Environmental Policy and Governance 30(2): 84-98, doi:10.1002/eet.1879.
Colvin, R. M., Crimp, S., Lewis, S. C. & Howden, M. 2020. Implications of Climate Change for Future Disasters. In: LUKASIEWICZ, A. & BALDWIN, C. (eds.) Natural Hazards and Disaster Justice: Challenges for Australia and Its Neighbours. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cvitanovic, C., Colvin, R. M., Reynolds, K. J. & Platow, M. J. 2020. Applying an Organizational Psychology Model for Developing Shared Goals in Interdisciplinary Research Teams. One Earth 2(1): 75-83, doi:10.1016/j.oneear.2019.12.010.
Harker-Schuch, I. E. P., Mills, F. P., Lade, S. J. & Colvin, R. M. 2020. CO2peration – Structuring a 3D interactive digital game to improve climate literacy in the 12-13-year-old age group. Computers & Education 144: 103705, doi:
Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. B., Lacey, J. & Witt, K. 2019. The community cost of consultation: Characterising the qualitative social impacts of a wind energy development that failed to proceed in Tasmania, Australia. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 77: 40-48, doi:
Cvitanovic, C., Howden, M., Colvin, R. M., Norström, A., Meadow, A. M. & Addison, P. F. E. 2019. Maximising the benefits of participatory climate adaptation research by understanding and managing the associated challenges and risks. Environmental Science & Policy 94: 20-31, doi:
Moon, K., Blackman, D. A., Adams, V. M., Colvin, R. M., Davila, F., Evans, M. C., Januchowski-Hartley, S. R., Bennett, N. J., Dickinson, H., Sandbrook, C., Sherren, K., St. John, F. A. V., van Kerkhoff, L. & Wyborn, C. 2019. Expanding the role of social science in conservation through an engagement with philosophy, methodology, and methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10(3): 294-302, doi:doi:10.111½041-210X.13126.
Althor, G., Mahood, S., Witt, B., Colvin, R. M. & Watson, J. E. M. 2018. Large-scale environmental degradation results in inequitable impacts to already impoverished communities: A case study from the floating villages of Cambodia. Ambio 47(7): 747-459, doi:10.1007/s13280-018-1022-2.
Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. B. & Lacey, J. 2018. Using a Community Vote for Wind Energy Development Decision-Making in King Island, Tasmania. Case Studies in the Environment, DOI:10.1525/cse.2017.000927.
Lacey, J., Howden, M., Cvitanovic, C. & Colvin, R. M. 2018. Understanding and managing trust at the climate science–policy interface. Nature Climate Change 8(1): 22-28, doi:10.1038/s41558-017-0010-z.
Bednarek, A. T., Wyborn, C., Cvitanovic, C., Meyer, R., Colvin, R. M., Addison, P. F. E., Close, S. L., Curran, K., Farooque, M., Goldman, E., Hart, D., Mannix, H., McGreavy, B., Parris, A., Posner, S., Robinson, C., Ryan, M. & Leith, P. 2018. Boundary spanning at the science–policy interface: the practitioners’ perspectives. Sustainability Science 13(4): 1175–1183, doi:10.1007/s11625-018-0550-9.
Whiley, D., Witt, B., Colvin, R. M., Sapiains Arrue, R. & Kotir, J. 2017. Enhancing critical thinking skills in first year environmental management students: a tale of curriculum design, application and reflection. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 41(2): 166-181, doi:10.1080/03098265.2017.1290590.
Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. B. & Lacey, J. 2016. How wind became a four-letter word: Lessons for community engagement from a wind energy conflict in King Island, Australia. Energy Policy 98: 483-494, doi:
Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. B. & Lacey, J. 2016. Approaches to identifying stakeholders in environmental management: Insights from practitioners to go beyond the ‘usual suspects’. Land Use Policy 52: 266-276, doi:
Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. B. & Lacey, J. 2015. The social identity approach to understanding socio-political conflict in environmental and natural resources management. Global Environmental Change 34: 237-246, doi:
Colvin, R. M., Witt, G. B. & Lacey, J. 2015. Strange bedfellows or an aligning of values? Exploration of stakeholder values in an alliance of concerned citizens against coal seam gas mining. Land Use Policy 42: 392-399, doi:
Commentary and editorials:
One Earth Voices 2020, ‘Barriers to Negative-Emissions Technologies’, One Earth, vol. 3, no. 2, pp. 137-139.
Colvin, R. M., Ross, H. & Baldwin, C. 2020. Social dimensions of energy system change in a disrupted world. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 27(02): 117-122, doi:10.1080/14486563.2020.1768661.
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