Debasish Das's picture

Debasish Das


PhD Candidate in Economics (ANU), 2019 - present
(First year PhD coursework completed from University of Queensland, 2018)
MSc. in Economic Growth and Development, (The University of Warwick, UK)
MSc. in Economics, (University of Bonn, Germany)

Connect twitter, @DebaEcon

Contact details

Research Interest: Energy Economics, Environment and Development Economics, Open-economy Macroeconomics

PhD programme


Topic title

Essays in Energy and Development Economics

Topic description

Research Grants:

[2022-2023] International Growth Center (IGC), United Kingdom research grant, Role: Principal Investigator, Project name: Exploring electricity consumption and firm recovery during the pandemic in Bangladesh.

[2021-2022] Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), United Kingdom research grant, Role: Principal Investigator, Project name: Empowering the measurement of economic growth on the ground: Exploring energy use and enterprise behaviours in Dhaka

[2020-2022] International Growth Center (IGC), United Kingdom research grant, Role: Co-Principal Investigator, Project name: Engineering Energy-Efficient Behaviours and Conversations in Household Electricity Market in Urban Dhaka

[2020] FCDO-Energy and Economic Growth Research Grant, Role: Co-Principal Investigator, Project name: Prepaid metering and energy efficiency behaviors in household energy consumption

[2019–2021] South Asian Network for Development Economics and Environment (SANDEE) Research Grant, Role: Principal Investigator, Project name: what are the informal smelters recycling preferences towards spent solar home system Lead-acid batteries in Bangladesh?

AEA RCT registry:
“Engineering Energy-Efficient Behaviours and Conservations in Household Electricity Market in Urban Dhaka.”, 2022. AEA RCT Registry.

Working Paper

[1.] The persistent effects of prepayment on residential electricity use

[2.] Prepayment and Electricity Usage in Temperature Extremes

[3.] COVID-19 Shock and Manufacturing Firm Behaviors in Bangladesh

[4.] How temperature affects firm output loss? Evidence from Bangladesh


Timilsina, G., Stern, D. I., & Das, D. K. (2023). Physical infrastructure and economic growth (with Timilsina, G., & Stern, D.I.), Applied Economics, Vol 102,

Das, D. K., & Stern, D. I. (2021). Prepaid Metering and Electricity Consumption in Developing Countries (with Stern, D.I.), 2020. EEG Energy Insight, Oxford Policy Management,

Timilsina, G., Stern, D. I., & Das, D. K. (2021). How Much Does Physical Infrastructure Contribute to Economic Growth? An Empirical Analysis. World Bank Policy Research Working Papers,

Zaman, R., Das, D. K., van Vliet, O., & Posch, A. (2021). Distributional inequality in market-based solar home system programs: Evidence from rural Bangladesh. Energy Economics, 103,

Das, D.K., Islam, M.S., Dutta, C.B., Hassan, M.M., & Hossen, S.S., (2021), Is there any demand for improved cooking stoves? Evidence from Bangladesh, Journal of Environmental Management, Vol.298, DOI:

Xu, Z., Das, D.K., Guo, W., & Wei, W., (2021), Does power grid infrastructure stimulate regional economic growth? Energy Policy, Vol. 155, DOI:

Das, D.K. & Dutta, C.B., (2020) Can oil and precious metal price forecast exchange and interest rate movement in Bangladesh?, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, DOI:

Islam, M.S., Ferdousy, S., Afrin, S., Ahsan, M.N., Haider, M.Z. and Das, D.K. (2020), “How does farmers’ field schooling impact eco-efficiency? Empirical evidence from paddy farmers in Bangladesh”, China Agricultural Economic Review,29(2), 181-198, DOI:

Islam, M. S., Afrin, S., Ahsan, M. N., Haider, M. Z., Mamun, T. M., & Das, D. K. (2019). Households’ willingness to pay for disaster resilient safe drinking water sources in southwestern coastal Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, 10(4), 544-556. DOI:

Das, D.K., Islam, M.S., Hadiujjaman, S. et al. (2019). Health cost of salinity contamination in drinking water: evidence from Bangladesh, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, Springer, DOI:

Dutta, C.B. and Das, D.K. (2016). Does disaggregated CO2 emission matter for growth? Evidence from thirty countries, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 66, pp825-833, Elsevier, DOI:

Dutta, C.B., Haider, M.Z. and Das, D.K. (2017). Investment, Trade Openness and Economic Growth: Evidence from Bangladesh, South Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance, Vol 6, pp82-104, Sage, DOI:

Dutta, C.B. and Das, D.K. (2017). What drives consumers’ online information search behavior? Evidence from England, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 35, pp36-45, Elsevier, DOI:

Das, D.K. (2016). Determinants of current account imbalance in the global economy: a dynamic panel analysis, Journal of Economic Structures, Vol. 5(8), Springer, DOI:

Scholarships and fellowships

ANU PhD Research Scholarship, The Australian National University
School of Economics Full Scholarship for MAdvEcon (1st year PhD coursework), University of Queensland, Australia
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship from the European Commission (EC) for MSc. program, University of Warwick, UK
Full Scholarship for MSc., University of Bonn, Germany

Personal links

Mailing address

Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy
J.G. Crawford Building No. 132
Lennox Crossing
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2601 Australia

Updated:  18 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team