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Eliza Murray



BA, BSc (Hons 1), MClimChange

Contact details

Eliza Murray is the General Manager of Australia’s independent Climate Change Authority. For over 10 years she has led teams responsible for Australia’s international climate change negotiations, mitigation policies, and climate science.

Upon graduating from the Master of Climate Change course at The Australian National University, Eliza was awarded the Garnaut Prize for Academic Excellent and is now completing her doctorate with the support of the Sir Roland Wilson Foundation. Her research investigates how the decentralised carbon markets around the world could be orchestrated to better contribute to the global decarbonisation challenge.

PhD programme

Policy and Governance (POGO)

Topic title

Playing the orchestra: Essays on the complex governance of carbon trading

Topic description

In contrast to the carbon market envisaged under the Kyoto Protocol, jurisdictions, corporations, and organisations around the world have developed different ways to price and trade carbon.

Linking these different systems offers an alternative, ‘bottom up’ model for global cooperation on climate change. Carbon trading also makes mitigation efforts more cost effective and offer a range of other economic and political benefits which, in turn, enable acceleration of the transition to net zero emissions.

Regional carbon trading clubs are emerging around the world. However, the institutional foundations of these clubs (their formal and informal rules) differ in important ways, with implications for their efficiency, environmental effectiveness, and risk of collapse.

The central research question to this dissertation is: How can decentralised carbon markets contribute to the global transition to net zero or reduce the costs/disruption of that transition, and what are the trade-offs and synergies between these goals?

Three additional research questions contextualise and underpin this central research question: 1) What are the drivers, enablers, and inhibitors of carbon pricing and trading? 2) How can we understand decentralised carbon market governance? 3) What implications can be drawn from these findings for how an efficient, effective, and equitable global carbon market could be orchestrated?

Scholarships and fellowships

Sir Roland Wilson Foundation Scholarship, 2013 - 2016

Employment history

Climate Change Authority, 2019 - current

Australian Government Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 2011 - 2019

Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, 2007 - 2011

Victorian Government Department of Primary Industries, 2006 - 2007

South Australian Government Department of Environment and Heritage, 2005-2006

Personal links

Updated:  17 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team