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Colin Filer

Honorary Professor


BA, PhD (Cambridge University)

Contact details


  • Filer, C. and P.-Y. Le Meur (eds), 2017. Large-Scale Mines and Local-Level Politics: Between New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • McDonnell, S., M.G. Allen and C. Filer (eds), 2017. Kastom, Property, and Ideology: Land Transformations in Melanesia. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Bell, J.A., P. West and C. Filer (eds), 2015. Tropical Forests of Oceania: Anthropological Perspectives. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Filer, C., with N.K. Dubash and K. Kalit, 2000. The Thin Green Line: World Bank Leverage and Forest Policy Reform in Papua New Guinea. Boroko: National Research Institute (Monograph 37). Canberra: Australian National University, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Resource Management in Asia-Pacific Project.
  • Filer, C. (ed.), 1999. Dilemmas of Development: The Social and Economic Impact of the Porgera Gold Mine, 1989-1994. Canberra: Asia-Pacific Press (Pacific Policy Paper 34). Port Moresby: National Research Institute (Special Publication 24).
  • Filer, C., with N. Sekhran, 1998. Loggers, Donors and Resource Owners. London: International Institute for Environment and Development in association with the PNG National Research Institute (Policy That Works for Forests and People, Papua New Guinea Country Study).
  • Filer, C. (ed.), 1997. The Political Economy of Forest Management in Papua New Guinea. Boroko: National Research Institute (Monograph 32). London: International Institute for Environment and Development.

Book chapters

  • Filer, C. and P.-Y. Le Meur, 2017a. ‘Large-Scale Mines and Local-Level Politics.’ In C. Filer and P.-Y. Le Meur (eds), Large-Scale Mines and Local-Level Politics: Between New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea, pp. 1-60. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Filer, C. and P.-Y. Le Meur, 2017b. ‘Between New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea.’ In C. Filer and P.-Y. Le Meur (eds), Large-Scale Mines and Local-Level Politics: Between New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea, pp. 415-434. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Filer, C. and P. Jenkins, 2017. ‘Negotiating Community Support for Closure or Continuation of the Ok Tedi Mine in Papua New Guinea.’ In C. Filer and P.-Y. Le Meur (eds), Large-Scale Mines and Local-Level Politics: Between New Caledonia and Papua New Guinea, pp. 229-260. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Filer, C., 2017. ‘The Formation of a Land Grab Policy Network in Papua New Guinea.’ In S. McDonnell, M.G. Allen and C. Filer (eds), Kastom, Property, and Ideology: Land Transformations in Melanesia, pp. 169-204. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Filer, C. with J. Numapo, 2017. ‘The Political Ramifications of Papua New Guinea’s Commission of Inquiry.’ In S. McDonnell, M.G. Allen and C. Filer (eds), Kastom, Property, and Ideology: Land Transformations in Melanesia, pp. 251-282. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Filer, C., S. McDonnell and M.G. Allen, 2017. ‘Powers of Exclusion in Melanesia.’ In S. McDonnell, M.G. Allen and C. Filer (eds), Kastom, Property, and Ideology: Land Transformations in Melanesia, pp. 1-56. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Gabriel, J., P.N. Nelson, C. Filer and M. Wood, 2017. ‘Oil Palm Development and Large-Scale Land Acquisitions in Papua New Guinea.’ In S. McDonnell, M.G. Allen and C. Filer (eds), Kastom, Property, and Ideology: Land Transformations in Melanesia, pp. 205-250. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Filer, C., M. Andrew, B.Y. Imbun, P. Jenkins and B.F. Sagir, 2016. ‘Papua New Guinea: Jobs, Poverty, and Resources.’ In G. Betcherman and M. Rama (eds), Jobs for Development: Challenges and Solutions in Different Country Settings, pp. 102-138. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Filer, C., 2015. ‘How April Salumei Became the REDD Queen.’ In J.A. Bell, P. West and C. Filer (eds), Tropical Forests of Oceania: Anthropological Perspectives, pp. 179-210. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Bell, J.A., P. West and C. Filer, 2015. ‘Introduction.’ In J.A. Bell, P. West and C. Filer (eds), Tropical Forests of Oceania: Anthropological Perspectives, pp. 1-22. Canberra: Australian National University Press.
  • Allen, B. and C. Filer, 2015. ‘Is the “Bogeyman” Real? Shifting Cultivation and the Forests, Papua New Guinea.’ In M.F. Cairns (ed.), Shifting Cultivation and Environmental Change: Indigenous People, Agriculture and Forest Conservation, pp. 517-545. London: Routledge.
  • Filer, C., 2014. ‘Asian Investment in Papua New Guinea’s Agroforestry Sector: Some Facts and Figures.’ In P. D’Arcy, P. Matbob and L. Crowl (eds), Pacific-Asia Partnerships in Resource Development, pp. 42-51. Madang: Divine Word University Press.
  • Sillitoe, P. and C. Filer, 2014. ‘What Local People Want With Forests: Ideologies and Attitudes in Papua New Guinea.’ In E. Gilberthorpe and G. Hilson (eds), Natural Resource Extraction and Indigenous Livelihoods: Development Challenges in an Era of Globalization, pp. 201-220. Farnham (UK): Ashgate Publishing.
  • Filer, C., 2013. ‘Logging.’ In M. Rapaport (ed.), The Pacific Islands: Environment and Society (revised edition), pp. 355-363. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.
  • Filer, C., 2012. ‘The Development Forum in Papua New Guinea: Evaluating Outcomes for Local Communities.’ In M. Langton and J. Longbottom (eds), Community Futures, Legal Architecture: Foundations for Indigenous Peoples in the Global Mining Boom, pp. 147-162. London: Routledge.
  • Filer, C. and M. Lowe, 2011. ‘One Hundred Years of Land Reform on the Gazelle Peninsula: A Baining Point of View.’ In V. Strang and M. Busse (eds), Ownership and Appropriation, pp. 149-170. Oxford and New York: Berg.
  • Tomich, T.P., A. Argumedo, I. Baste, E. Camac, C. Filer, K. Garcia, K. Garbach, H. Geist, A-M Izac, L. Lebel, M. Lee, M. Nishi, L. Olsson, C. Raudsepp-Hearne, M. Rawlins, R. Scholes, and M. van Noordwijk, 2010. ‘Conceptual Frameworks for Ecosystem Assessment: Their Development, Ownership, and Use.’ In N. Ash, H. Blanco, C. Brown, K. Garcia, T. Henrichs, N. Lucas, C. Raudsepp-Hearne, R.D. Simpson, R. Scholes, T. Tomich B. Vira and M. Zurek (eds), Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: A Manual for Assessment Practitioners, pp. 71-114. Washington (DC): Island Press.
  • Filer, C. and B. Imbun, 2009. ‘A Short History of Mineral Development Policies in Papua New Guinea, 1972-2002.’ In R.J. May (ed.), Policy Making and Implementation: Studies from Papua New Guinea, pp. 75-116. Canberra: ANU E Press.
  • Filer, C., 2009. ‘A Bridge Too Far: The Knowledge Problem in the Millennium Assessment.’ In J. Carrier and P. West (eds), Virtualism, Governance and Practice: Vision and Execution in Environmental Conservation, pp. 84-111. New York: Berghahn Books.
  • Filer, C., J. Burton and G. Banks, 2008. ‘The Fragmentation of Responsibilities in the Melanesian Mining Sector.’ In C. O’Faircheallaigh and S. Ali (eds), Earth Matters: Indigenous Peoples, the Extractive Industries and Corporate Social Responsibility, pp. 163-179. London: Greenleaf Publishing.
  • Filer, C., 2007. ‘Local Custom and the Art of Land Group Boundary Maintenance in Papua New Guinea.’ In J.F. Weiner and K. Glaskin (eds), Customary Land Tenure and Registration in Australia and Papua New Guinea, pp. 135-174. Canberra: ANU E Press.
  • Filer, C., 2006. ‘Space Wars.’ In B.V. Lal and A. Ley (eds), 2006. The Coombs: A House of Memories, pp. 243-250. Canberra: Australian National University, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies.
  • Filer, C., 2005. ‘The Role of Land-owning Communities in Papua New Guinea’s Mineral Policy Framework.’ In E. Bastida, T. Wälde and J. Warden-Fernández (eds), International and Comparative Mineral Law and Policy: Trends and Prospects, pp. 903-932. The Hague: Kluwer Law International.
  • Gitay, H., C. Raudsepp-Hearne, H. Blanco, K. Garcia, H.M. Pereira, R. Biggs, C. Filer, Y. Gokhale, K. Kok, C. Musvoto, A. Patwardhan, A. van Jaarsveld and R.T. Watson, 2005. ‘Assessment Process.’ In D. Capistrano, C.K. Samper, M.J. Lee and C. Raudsepp-Hearne (eds), Ecosystems and Human Well-being – Volume 4: Multiscale Assessments, pp. 119-140. Washington (DC): Island Press.
  • Lebel, L., P. Thongbai, K. Kok, J.B.R. Agard, E. Bennett, R. Biggs, M. Ferreira, C. Filer, Y. Gokhale, W. Mala, C. Rumsey, S.J. Velarde, M. Zurek, H. Blanco, T. Lynam and T. Yue, 2005. ‘Sub-Global Scenarios.’ In D. Capistrano, C.K. Samper, M.J. Lee and C. Raudsepp-Hearne (eds), Ecosystems and Human Well-being – Volume 4: Multiscale Assessments, pp. 229-260. Washington (DC): Island Press.
  • Filer, C., 2004. ‘The Knowledge of Indigenous Desire: Disintegrating Conservation and Development in Papua New Guinea.’ In A. Bicker, P. Sillitoe and J. Pottier (eds), Development and Local Knowledge: New Approaches to Issues in Natural Resources Management, pp. 64-92. London: Routledge.
  • Filer, C., 2002. ‘Fear and Loathing in Nuku Station.’ In R.G. Ward and S.W. Serjeantson (eds), …And Then the Engines Stopped: Flying in Papua New Guinea, pp. 75-83. Canberra: Pandanus Books.
  • Filer, C., 2000. ‘Resettlement and Mining in Papua New Guinea.’ In Resettlement Policy and Practice in Southeast Asia and the Pacific: Proceedings of Workshops Held in Manila and Port Vila 1998, pp. 55-73. Manila: Asian Development Bank.
  • Dubash, N.K. and C. Filer, 2000. ‘Papua New Guinea.’ In F.J. Seymour and N.K. Dubash, with J. Brunner, F. Ekoko, C. Filer, H. Kartodihardjo and J. Mugabe, The Right Conditions: The World Bank, Structural Adjustment, and Forest Policy Reform, pp. 29-58. Washington (DC): World Resources Institute.
  • Filer, C., 1999. ‘Introduction.’ In C. Filer (ed.), Dilemmas of Development: The Social and Economic Impact of the Porgera Gold Mine, 1989-1994, pp. 1-18.
  • Filer, C., 1999. ‘The Dialectics of Negation and Negotiation in the Anthropology of Mineral Resource Development in Papua New Guinea.’ In A.P. Cheater (ed.), The Anthropology of Power: Empowerment and Disempowerment in Changing Structures, pp. 88-102. London: Routledge (ASA Monograph 36).
  • Filer, C., 1997. ‘West Side Story: The State’s and Other Stakes in the Ok Tedi Mine.’ In G. Banks and C. Ballard (eds), The Ok Tedi Settlement: Issues, Outcomes and Implications, pp. 65-102. Canberra: Australian National University, National Centre for Development Studies (Pacific Policy Paper 27).
  • Filer, C., 1997. ‘The Melanesian Way of Menacing the Mining Industry.’ In B. Burt and C. Clerk (eds), Environment and Development in the Pacific Islands, pp. 91-122. Canberra: Australian National University, National Centre for Development Studies (Pacific Policy Paper 25). Reprinted (1998) in L. Zimmer-Tamakoshi (ed.), Modern Papua New Guinea, pp. 143-173. Kirksville (MO): Thomas Jefferson University Press.
  • Filer, C., 1997. ‘Logging and Resource Dependency in Papua New Guinea: A Response to Henderson.’ In B. Burt and C. Clerk (eds), Environment and Development in the Pacific Islands, pp. 69-77. Waigani: University of Papua New Guinea Press. Canberra: Australian National University, National Centre for Development Studies (Pacific Policy Paper 25).
  • Filer, C., 1997. ‘Compensation, Rent and Power in Papua New Guinea.’ In S. Toft (ed.), Compensation for Resource Development in Papua New Guinea, pp. 156-189. Boroko: Law Reform Commission (Monograph 6). Canberra: Australian National University, National Centre for Development Studies (Pacific Policy Paper 24).
  • Filer, C., 1997. ‘A Statistical Profile of Papua New Guinea’s Log Export Industry.’ In C. Filer (ed.), The Political Economy of Forest Management in Papua New Guinea, pp. 207-248.
  • Filer, C., 1997. ‘Introduction.’ In C. Filer (ed.), The Political Economy of Forest Management in Papua New Guinea, pp. 1-13.
  • Filer, C., 1997. ‘Resource Rents: Distribution and Sustainability.’ In I. Temu (ed.), Papua New Guinea: A 20/20 Vision, pp. 222-260. Canberra: Australian National University, National Centre for Development Studies (Pacific Policy Paper 20). Boroko: National Research Institute (Special Publication 22).
  • Filer, C., 1996. ‘The Policy and Methodology of Social Impact Mitigation in the Mining Industry.’ In D. Gladman, D. Mowbray and J. Duguman (eds), From Rio to Rai: Environment and Development in Papua New Guinea up to 2000 and Beyond - Volume 4: Warning Bells, pp. 59-80. Waigani: University of Papua New Guinea Press.
  • Filer, C., 1996. ‘“Steak and Grease”: A Short History of Political Competition in Nuku.’ In Y. Saffu (ed.), The 1992 Papua New Guinea Election: Continuity and Change in Electoral Politics, pp. 168-218. Canberra: Australian National University, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Department of Social and Political Change (Monograph 23).
  • Filer, C., 1996. ‘The Social Context of Renewable Resource Depletion in Papua New Guinea.’ In R. Howitt, J. Connell and P. Hirsch (eds), Resources, Nations and Indigenous Peoples: Case Studies from Australasia, Melanesia and Southeast Asia, pp. 289-299. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
  • Filer, C., 1995. ‘Participation, Governance and Social Impact: The Planning of the Lihir Gold Mine.’ In D. Denoon et al. (eds), Mining and Mineral Resource Policy Issues in Asia-Pacific: Prospects for the 21st Century, pp. 67-75. Canberra: Australian National University, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Division of Pacific and Asian History.
  • Filer, C., 1994. ‘The Nature of the Human Threat to Papua New Guinea’s Biodiversity Endowment’. In N. Sekhran and S. Miller (eds), Papua New Guinea Country Study on Biological Diversity, pp. 187-199. Waigani: PNG Department of Environment and Conservation. Nairobi: Africa Centre for Resources and Environment.
  • Filer, C., 1992. ‘The Escalation of Disintegration and the Reinvention of Authority.’ In M. Spriggs and D. Denoon (eds), The Bougainville Crisis: 1991 Update, pp. 112-140. Canberra: Australian National University, Research School of Pacific Studies, Department of Social and Political Change (Monograph 16).
  • Filer, C., 1990. ‘Diversity of Cultures or Culture of Diversity?’ In N. Lutkehaus et al. (eds), Sepik Heritage: Tradition and Change in Papua New Guinea, pp. 116-128. Durham (NC): Carolina Academic Press.

Journal articles

  • Gabriel, J., C. Filer, M. Wood and S. Foale, 2017. ‘Tourist Initiatives and Extreme Wilderness in the Nakanai Mountains on the Island of New Britain.’ Shima 11(1): 122-143.
  • Filer, C., 2014. ‘The Double Movement of Immovable Property Rights in Papua New Guinea.’ Journal of Pacific History 49(1): 76-94.
  • Nelson, P., J. Gabriel, C. Filer, M. Banabas, J.A. Sayer, G.N. Curry, G. Koczberski and O. Venter, 2014. ‘Oil Palm and Deforestation in Papua New Guinea.’ Conservation Letters 7(3): 188-195.
  • Mahanty, S., W. Dressler, S. Milne and C. Filer, 2013. ‘Unravelling Property Relations around Forest Carbon.’ Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 34: 188-205.
  • Filer, C., 2013. ‘Asian Investment in the Rural Industries of Papua New Guinea: What’s New and What’s Not?’ Pacific Affairs 86(2): 305-326.
  • Filer, C., 2012. ‘Why Green Grabs Don’t Work in Papua New Guinea.’ Journal of Peasant Studies 39(2): 599-617.
  • Filer, C. and M. Wood, 2012. ‘The Creation and Dissolution of Private Property in Forest Carbon: A Case Study from Papua New Guinea.’ Human Ecology 40: 665-677.
  • Mahanty, S., S. Milne, W. Dressler and C. Filer, 2012. ‘The Social Life of Forest Carbon: Property and Politics in the Production of a New Commodity.’ Human Ecology 40: 661-664.
  • Filer, C., 2011. ‘Inter-disciplinary Perspectives on Historical Ecology and Environmental Policy in Papua New Guinea.’ Environmental Conservation 38(2): 256-269.
  • Filer, C., 2011. ‘New Land Grab in Papua New Guinea.’ Pacific Studies 34(⅔): 269-294.
  • Filer, C., 2010. ‘Impacts of Rural Industry on the Native Forests of Papua New Guinea.’ Pacific Economic Bulletin 25(3): 135-153.
  • Filer, C., R.J. Keenan, B.J. Allen and J.R. McAlpine, 2009. ‘Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Papua New Guinea.’ Annals of Forest Science 66: 813.
  • Filer, C., 2008. Comment on ‘Tourism as Science and Science as Tourism’ (Paige West). Current Anthropology 49(4): 612-613.
  • Filer, C., 2008. ‘Development Forum in Papua New Guinea: Upsides and Downsides.’ Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 26(1): 120-150.
  • Filer, C. and M. Macintyre, 2006. ‘Grass Roots and Deep Holes: Community Responses to Mining in Melanesia.’ Contemporary Pacific 18(2): 215-231.
  • Filer, C., 2006. ‘Custom, Law and Ideology in Papua New Guinea.’ Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 7(1): 65-84.
  • Filer, C., 2004. ‘A Serious Case of Conditionality: The World Bank Gets Stuck in the Forests of PNG.’ Development Bulletin 65: 95-99.
  • Filer, C. and K. Kalim, 2003. ‘The Water Resource Management Regime in Papua New Guinea.’ Development Bulletin 63: 79-83.
  • Filer, C., 2002. ‘Should Mining Companies “Break New Ground” in Papua New Guinea?’ Development Bulletin 58: 115-118.
  • Filer, C., 1991. ‘Logging or Conservation in Southern New Ireland.’ Research in Melanesia 15(1): 66-75.
  • Filer, C., 1991. ‘Two Shots in the Dark: The First Year of the Task Force on Environmental Planning in Priority Forest Areas.’ Research in Melanesia 15(1): 1-48.
  • Filer, C. and L. Waho, 1990. ‘The RIM Research Records: New Ireland Province.’ Research in Melanesia 14: 41-65.
  • Filer, C., 1990. ‘The Bougainville Rebellion, the Mining Industry and the Process of Social Disintegration in Papua New Guinea.’ Canberra Anthropology 13(1): 1-39.
    - Filer, C., 1985. ‘What Is This Thing Called “Brideprice”?’ Mankind 15(2): 163-183.
  • Filer, C., 1984. ‘The RIM Research Records: East Sepik Province.’ Research in Melanesia 8(2): 7-98.
  • Filer, C., 1984. ‘The RIM Research Records: Organisation and Access.’ Research in Melanesia 8(1): 88-94.
  • Filer, C., 1983. ‘The Compleat Fieldworker.’ Research in Melanesia 7(¾): 35-46.

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