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Robin Davies

Honorary Professor, Development Policy Centre

Contact details

Public presentations

Parliamentary committees

  • Testimony, Inquiry into Australia’s overseas aid and development assistance program, Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee, 21 February 2014
  • Testimony, Inquiry into Australia’s relationship with Timor-Leste, Parliamentary Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, 22 May 2013

Meetings and conferences

  • 2017 Australasian Aid Conference, Development Policy Centre, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University – Panelist in plenary session, ‘The humanitarian system in crisis’, and chaired panel session, ‘Global issues in aid and development’ 15-16 February 2017
  • 2016 Australasian Aid Conference, Development Policy Centre, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University – Presented paper ‘The unexamined gift: Australia’s aid relationship with Indonesia’, and chaired panel session, ‘Climate change and global public goods’ 10-11 February 2016
  • Office of Development Effectiveness Evaluation Forum, third annual forum hosted by the Development Policy Centre – Presentation of critical commentary on the ODE evaluation of non-core funding for the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, 9 December 2015
  • Spanish Agency for International Development (AECID), annual conference of the cross-agency Working Group on Aid Effectiveness and Quality – Presentation on the OECD Partner Country Survey published jointly with Jonathan Pickering in early 2015, Madrid, 21 October 2015
  • G20 Studies Centre, Lowy Institute, conference on the future of international economic governance and the G20 – Presentation on the G20 development agenda, Sydney, 20-21 May 2015
  • Overseas Development Institute, conference on Designing the Development Agency of the Future – Presentation on OECD partner country survey, London, 27-28 April 2015
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Global Network, Montreux – Presentation on bilateral donor perspectives on public-private partnerships for development, 20 April 2015
  • OECD Development Assistance Committee, informal senior officials’ meeting – Support discussion of next steps for the OECD’s ‘Agency of the future’ project, 9 April 2015
  • OECD Development Assistance Committee, regular meeting – Support discussion of OECD partner country survey, 10 March 2015
  • Office of Development Effectiveness Evaluation Forum, second annual forum hosted by the Development Policy Centre – Presentation of critical commentary on the first ODE Lessons from Australian Aid report, 21 March 2014
  • ChildFund Board and senior management, annual strategic planning meeting – Presentation on the future of aid, 11 March 2014
  • G20 Food Security Review, consultation meeting – Spoke to submission made on behalf of the Think Tank 20 (T20), 7 March 2014
  • Indonesian Student International Conference 2014 – Plenary presentation on the post-2015 international development goals, 7 March 2014
  • Australasian Aid and International Development Policy Workshop, Development Policy Centre, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University – Presented paper ‘Financing global public goods’, chaired keynote presentation, ‘Forests for climate and development: what can rich countries do?’, by Frances Seymour and chaired panel session, ‘Changing aid landscapes’, 13-14 February 2014
  • Fourth ACFID University Network Conference, Development Futures: Alternative Pathways to End Poverty, University of Technology, Sydney – Presenter in panel sessions on engaging business in development (with Kerri Elgar) and on the future of Australian aid, and speaker in the closing plenary, 21-22 November 2013
  • ACFID Council, the annual meeting of the chairs and CEOs of the member organisations of the Australian Council for International Development – Speaker in panel session on the G20’s development agenda, 1 November 2013 (with Tim Costello, World Vision Australia, and Margaret Blakers, Green Institute)
  • Development Policy Centre, full-day workshop, ‘Enterprise challenge fund for the Pacific and Southeast Asia: lessons learned’ – Co-convenor and session chair, and presenter on ‘Enterprise challenge funds: where to next’, 24 October 2013
  • Development Policy Centre, Global solutions: are international organisations up to the challenge of providing global public goods for development? – Convenor and chair, Canberra, 18 September 2013
  • Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research – Presenter and discussant, ‘ACIAR Week’, Canberra, 4 September 2013
  • AusAID – Presenter and discussant at the annual retreat of the East Asia Division, Canberra, 27 August 2013
  • Delivering effective aid, or choosing effective development strategies?, presentation to the Global Ideas Forum, University of Melbourne, 24 August 2013
  • G20 Studies Centre, Lowy Institute – Participant in round-table discussion on the G20 and development, Sydney, 13 August 2013
  • Overseas Development Institute – Session chair at a a round table on the future of international development assistance agencies, London, 13 May 2013
  • ANU/University of Melbourne/Lowy Institute/Asia Foundation – Co-convenor and session chair, conference on the future of international development in Asia and the Pacific, Melbourne, 9-10 May 2013
  • Griffith University – Participant in round-table discussion on the governance of international organisations, Brisbane, 18-19 February 2013
  • Center for Global Development – Presenter at a round table on the role of the World Bank in providing global public goods, Washington DC, 16 January 2013
  • International public goods for development, presentation to the Development Policy Centre forum on Aid from emerging Asia, 29 November 2012
  • ANU – Co-convenor with Margaret Callan, forum on engaging business in development, Canberra, 17 October 2012
  • World Bank/ANU – Convenor and chair, consultation with Pacific island country representatives on the role of global and regional institutions in providing international public goods, Canberra, 5 September 2012
  • AusAID – Participant in high-level international symposium held as part of preparations for the 2012 UN Development Cooperation Forum, Brisbane, 14-15 May 2012

Longer media interviews

Other media engagements

Media references

Updated:  18 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team