Working papers

The following working papers can be downloaded from this site in PDF and RTF format by clicking on the appropriate link below. If you experience problems with downloading, a hardcopy version of the working papers may be obtained, free of charge, by contacting the Program Coordinator at the following address:

Program Coordinator, RE&D
Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies
Australian National University
Canberra, ACT, 0200
Tel: (02) 6125 9978


2008 | 2007 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997

Year Working Paper Title By
2008 No. 69 Renegotiating a PNG Compensation Agreement:Applying an Informed Consensus Approach [1136KB PDF] Barbara Sharp and Tim Offor
2007 No. 68 The Social Impact of People-Oriented Conservation on Cat Ba Island, Viet Nam [1136KB PDF] Zoë J Dawkins
No. 67 The Politics of Water Privatisation in Tagbilaran, the Philippines [865KB PDF] Karen T Fisher
No. 66 Recognition of Customary land in the Solomon Islands: Status, Issues and Options [245KB PDF] Marjorie Sullivan
No. 65 Local Voice in Shifting Modes of Decentralised Resource Control in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia [170KB PDF] John F McCarthy
2005 No. 64 Sharks, sea slugs and skirmishes: managing marine and agricultural resources on small, overpopulated islands in Milne Bay, PNG [1219KB PDF] Simon Foale
No. 63 The Conservation Policy Community in Papua New Guinea [307KB PDF] Colin Filer
No. 62 The Difficult Problem of Measuring the Village-Level Socio-Economic Benefits of Road Rehabilitation Projects in Rural Asia and Papua New Guinea [350KB PDF] Philip Hughes
No. 61 Ten Thousand Tonnes of Small Animals: Wildlife Consumption in Papua New Guinea, a Vital Resource in Need of Management [632KB PDF] Andrew L Mack and Paige West
No. 60 The Social and Environmental Impact of Mining in Asia-Pacific: The Potential Contribution of a Remote-Sensing Approach [4293KB PDF] Glenn Banks, David Paull and Simon Mockler
No. 59 The Anthropology of Personal Identity: Intellectual Property Rights Issues in Papua New Guinea, West Papua and Australia [330KB PDF] John Burton
No. 58 Detecting Coalfires with Remote Sensing: A Comparative Study of Selected Countries [763KB PDF] Prasun K Gangopadhyay and Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt
No. 57 Uncertain Livelihoods: Survival Strategies of Women and Men in Charland Environments in India [370KB PDF] Gopa Samanta and Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt
2004 No. 56 How Poor is Papua New Guinea? How Rich Could it Be? [437KB PDF] Tim Curtin
No. 55 A Short History of Mineral Development Policies In Papua New Guinea [394KB PDF] Colin Filer, Benedict Imbun
No. 54 Fujichrome Green: The photographic fetishization of biodiversity by environmentalists [224KB PDF] Simon Foale (
Martha Macintyre (
No. 53 Land, custom and conflict in East New Britain [245KB PDF] Keir Martin
No. 52 Interactions Between Local/Indigenous Communities and the Natural Environment in Far North Queensland and Southern New Guinea. A Partial Review of Research To Date. [421KB PDF] C. Filer, S. Haberle, R. Hide, G. Hitchcock, D. Lawrence, B. Smith
No. 51 Eaglewood in Papua New Guinea [700KB PDF] B. Gunn and P. Stevens,CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products, Canberra, Australia; M. Singadan, Papua New Guinea Forest Authority, Lae, Papua New Guinea; L. Sunari and P. Chatterton, WWF South Pacific Programme, Madang, Papua New Guinea
No. 50 Cultivated Landscapes of the Southwest Pacific [1126KB PDF] Jean Kennedy and William Clarke
No. 49 Palm Sago: Further Thoughts on a Tropical Starch from Marginal Lands[337KB PDF] Pat Townsend
2003 No. 48 Does the Sea Divide or Unite Indonesians? Ethnicity and Regionalism from a Maritime Perspective[335KB PDF] Dedi Supriadi Adhuri
No. 47 Privatising Fish? Barriers to the Use of Marine ProtectedAreas for Conservation and Fishery Management in Melanesia [312KB PDF] [396KB RTF]
[513KB, Figs 1 & 2.pdf]
Simon Foale
No. 46 T(r)opical Translations: Reterritorialising the Space of Biodiversity Conservation [263KB PDF] [415KB RTF] Lesley Instone
No. 45 Policy Challenges for Agricultural Biotechnology in the Asia Pacific: Developing a Framework for Analysis [411KB PDF] [513KB RTF] D.Parthasarathy
No. 44 Unintended Collieries: Theorizing People and Resources in India [234KB PDF] [312KB RTF] Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt
No. 43 Shaking the ground of shifting cultivation: or why (do) we need alternatives to slash-and-burn? [258KB PDF] [312KB RTF] Lesley Instone
No. 42 Mainstreaming Resource Conservation: The Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area Network and its Influence on National Policy Development [240KB PDF] [312KB RTF] Joeli Veitayaki and others
No. 41 Muddying the Waters of the Fly: Underlying Issues or Stereotypes? [297KB PDF] [312KB RTF] Richard Jackson
2002 No. 40 Agricultural Transformation and the Politics of Hydrology in Northern Thailand: A Case Study of Water Supply and Demand [437KB PDF] [13565KB RTF]
[389KB, Paper without figures]
Andrew Walker
No. 39 Rethinking Fisheries Policy in the Pacific [616KB PDF] [1350KB RTF] Michael Pretes and Elizabeth Petersen
No. 38 Commensurability of Scientific and Indigenous Ecological Knowledge in Coastal Melanesia: Implications for Contemporary Marine Resource Management Strategies [246KB PDF [372KB RTF] Simon Foale
No. 37 Forests and Water in Northern Thailand [528KB PDF] [6646KB RTF] Andrew Walker
No. 36 Protection and Empowerment of the Rights of Indigenous People of Papua (Irian Jaya) Over Natural Resources Under Special Autonomy: From legal opportunities to the challenge of implementation [485KB PDF] [481KB RTF] Agus Sumule
No. 35 The Catch in Trading Fishing Access for Foreign Aid
[708KB PDF] [1410KB RTF]
[600KB, pdf text only] [568KB, rtf text only]
Elizabeth Petersen
No. 34 Multilateral Governance of Fisheries: Management and Cooperation in the Western and Central Pacific Tuna Fisheries
[533KB PDF] [2523KB RTF]
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Satish Chand, R. Quentin Grafton and Elizabeth Petersen
No. 33 Politicised Ecology: Local Responses to Mining in Papua New Guinea [91KB PDF] [432KB RTF] Martha Macintyre and Simon Foale
No. 32 Rural Households and Resource Management in Papua New Guinea [63KB PDF] [370KB RTF] Berit Gustafsson
No. 31 Economic Policy, Institutions and Fisheries Development in the Pacific
[154KB PDF] [1294KB RTF]
[69KB, pdf text only] [420KB, rtf text only]
Elizabeth Petersen
No. 30 Stranger in One's Own Home. Kanak People's Engagements with a Multinational Nickel Mining Project in New Caledonia [2035KB PDF] [34820KB RTF]
[113KB, pdf text only] [536KB, rtf text only]
Leah Horowitz
2001 No. 29 Haumeni...Not Many: Renewed Plunder and Mismanagement in the Timorese [145KB PDF] [421KB RTF] Andrew McWilliam
No. 28 From 'Gin' Girls to Scavengers: Women in Indian Collieries [114KB PDF] [412KB RTF] Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt
2000 No. 27 How can Western conservationists talk to Melanesian landowners about indigenous knowledge? [179KB PDF] [454KB RTF] Colin Filer
No. 26 Village and State Regimes on Sumatra's Forest Frontier: A Case from the Leuser Ecosystem, South Aceh [282KB PDF] [588KB RTF] John McCarthy
No. 25 Biodiversity Conservation in Melanesia: Addressing Risk and Uncertainty Among Stakeholders [73KB PDF] [359KB RTF] Ron Martin
No. 24 "Blue Mountains constantly walking": the re-signification of nature and the re-configuration of the commons in rural Papua New Guinea [74KB PDF] [355KB RTF] John Wagner
No. 23 Designing a Realistic Climate Change Policy that includes Developing Countries [61KB PDF] [345KB RTF] Warwick J. McKibbin and Peter J. Wilcoxen
1999 No. 22 The Killing of the Fly: State-corporate victimization in Papua New Guinea [196KB PDF] [420KB RTF] Ainsley Harper and Mark Israel
No. 21 Keeping an Eye on the Beasts: Social Monitoring of Large-Scale Mines in Melanesia [101KB PDF] [387KB RTF] Glenn Banks
No. 20 Environmental pollution around the South China Sea: Developing a regional response to a regional problem [141KB PDF] [460KB RTF] David Rosenberg
1998 No. 19 Political economy of identities in an instance of globalisation: History of a Solomon Islands Japanese joint venture tuna fishing corporation (1971-2000) [133KB PDF] [386KB RTF Kate Barclay
No. 18 Can Climate shape development? A view through time [170KB PDF] [3565KB RTF] Simon G. Haberle
No. 17 The incorporated ground: the contemporary work of distribution in the Kutubu oil project area, Papua New Guinea [149KB PDF] [701KB RTF] James Weiner
No. 16 Resettlement for development: Issues of displacement caused by hydroelectric projects in Vietnam's northern uplands [52KB PDF] [343KB RTF] Diep Dinh Hoa
No. 15 Timber plantations in Indonesia: approaching the predicaments of a modern utopia [99KB PDF] [373KB RTF] Nils Bubandt
No. 14 Local, national and international conceptions of justice: the case of swidden farmers in the contexts of national and regional developments in southeast Asia [107KB PDF] [363KB RTF] Adrian Hayes
No. 13 Environmental Disclosures in Annual Reports of Australian Gold and Copper Mining Companies with Activities in Papua New Guinea and/or Indonesia [149KB PDF] [1182KB RTF] Roger L Burrit
No. 12 NGOs in Development:Tales from outer island Indonesia [70KB PDF] [339KB RTF] Colin Barlow
1997 No. 11 Changing Relations of Production in the Creation of the Ok Tedi Mining Enclave in Papua New Guinea [93KB PDF] [360KB RTF] David Hyndman
No. 10 Weak States and the Environment in Indonesia and the Solomon Islands [160KB PDF] [404KB RTF] Peter Dauvergne
No. 9 The State Versus Custom—Regulating Papua New Guinea’s timber industry [138KB PDF] [397KB RTF] Rod Taylor
No. 8 India and China—The populous giants: critical problems of resource management [ 116KB PDF] [376KB RTF] Alan Burnett
No. 7 Rainfall Patterns in the Western Pacific [Unavailable] Ken Johnson
No. 6 Plantation Forestry for the 21st Century [95KB PDF] [381KB RTF] Peter Kanowski
No. 5 Management of Fallow Species Composition with Tree Planting in Papua New Guinea [149KB PDF] [825KB RTF] R. Michael Bourke
No. 4 Exotic Plant Species in Vietnam’s Economy—the contributions of Australian trees [107KB PDF] [381KB RTF] Stephen Midgley, Kongsak Pinyopusarerk, Chris Harwood, John Doran.
No. 3 The Controversy Surrounding Eucalypts in Social Forestry Programs in Asia [187KB PDF] [505KB RTF] Anne Casson
No. 2 Science, Capital and Politics in Papua New Guinea’s Logging Industry [Unavailable] Colin Filer
No. 1 C’est qui, le patron? Kinship and the Rentier Leader in the Upper Watut [86KB PDF] [429KB RTF] John Burton


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