Pages tagged by "international trade"

Labour mobility in the PACER Plus

Since the commencement of the Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus negotiations in 2009, the Pacific Forum Island Countries have maintained...

United States–China trade: President Trump's misunderstandings

President Trump’s analysis of the persistent United States–China trade imbalance reveals fundamental misunderstandings of basic economics. During the 2016...

The Middle East – the new Asia: why Australia should concentrate on strengthening the economic relationship

Australia has always been a go-ahead nation, eager to plot new courses, test ideas and take ourselves into the world to form new friendships, alliances and business opportunities. Traditionally this has been with our ‘old-world’ European and US partners that have shaped our economic and cultural progress. Over the past two decades we have capitalised on a post-European focus by establishing networks with regional investment into China and South East Asia, who have an insatiable appetite, fuelled by a growing middle class.

APEC and the battle of the free trade agreements

The race between the USA and China to dominate trade.

In the national interest

Bringing foreign investment decisions out of the shadows.

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Updated:  11 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team