

Academic staff


Blane Lewis

Blane Lewis
Associate Professor and Head of ANU Indonesia Project, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Coordinating Editor of BIES.
Research interests: decentralisation, federalism and regional autonomy in Asia, particularly Indonesia.

Dr Mari Pangestu

Dr Mari Pangestu
Thee Kian Wie Visiting Professor, ANU Indonesia Project, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics.
Research interests: international economics, financial sector, macroeconomics and reforms.

Budy P. Resosudarmo

Budy P. Resosudarmo
Associate Professor, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics
Research interests: resource & environmental economics, development economics, public policy, resource & environmental modelling, inter-regional modelling.

Marcus Mietzner

Arianto Patunru
Fellow, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, and Policy Engagement Coordinator
Research interests: Trade, environment, natural resources, development

Xue (Sarah) Dong

Xue (Sarah) Dong
Research Fellow, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, and Research Network Coordinator
Research interests: development economics, labor economics, informal sector in developing countries, gender issues in developing countries.

Pierre van der Eng

Pierre van der Eng
Associate Professor, Research School of Management
Research interests: strategies of Japanese firms in Southeast Asia; agricultural development, economic growth and productivity change in Indonesia.

John McCarthy

John McCarthy
Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy
Research interests: agricultural policy, agrarian change & land tenure; social capital, participation & environmental management; forest management, biodiversity conservation & climate change; politics, policy & natural resources governance in a developing context.

Edward Aspinall

Edward Aspinall
Professor, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs
Research interests: Indonesian politics, Aceh, democratisation, social movements, civil society, nationalism, peace processes & peacebuilding, ethnic conflict.

Marcus Mietzner

Marcus Mietzner
Associate Professor, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs
Research interests: The political role of the military in Indonesia; Indonesian political parties, particularly campaign financing issues; elections in Indonesia; comparative electoral politics in Southeast Asia.

Greg Fealy

Greg Fealy
Associate Professor and Head, Department of Political & Social Change, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs.
Research interests: Indonesian politics, modern Islamic political history; democratisation & Islamism, jihadist ideology & strategy.

Ross Tapsell

Ross Tapsell
Lecturer, Asian Studies, School of Culture, History & Language.
Research interests: Indonesia; Malaysia; media; journalism; history; Australia-Indonesia relations.

Ariane Utomo

Ariane Utomo
Research Fellow, Crawford School of Public Policy
Research interests: changing marriage patterns in Indonesia, gender, education and the labour market, transition to adulthood in Southeast Asia, family demography.

Kate McLinton

Kate McLinton
Project Manager and Development Coordinator.


Haryo Aswicahyono
Senior Economist, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta

Prema-chandra Athukorala
Professor of Economics, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics

Iwan Jaya Azis
Professor of Economics, University of Indonesia
Adjunct Professor, Cornell University

Mohammad Chatib Basri
Former Indonesian Finance Minister; ANU Indonesia Project's Second Thee Kian Wie Distinguished Professor; University of Indonesia

Paul Burke
Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy

Lisa Cameron
Professor of Economics and Director, Development Research Unit, Monash University

Katy Cornwell
Post Doctoral Fellow, Monash University

Tadjuddin Nur Effendy
Professor, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta

Ross Garnaut
Professorial Research Fellow in Economics, Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Melbourne

Hal Hill
Emeritus H W Arndt Professor of Southeast Asian Economies,
Arndt-Corden Department of Economics

Sisira Jayasuriya
Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Monash University

Frank Jotzo
Associate Professor and Director, Center for Climate Economics & Policy and Resources Environment and Development (RE&D) program, Crawford School of Public Policy

Sherry (Tao) Kong
Visiting Fellow, Indonesia Project

Ari Kuncoro
Professor, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia, Depok

Chris Manning
Adjunct Associate Professor, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics

Peter McCawley
Visiting Fellow, Indonesia Project

Ross McLeod
Adjunct Associate Professor, Arndt-Corden Deparment of Economics

Susan Olivia
Research Fellow, Monash University

Rizal Sukma
Executive Director, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta

Daniel Suryadarma
Education Research Manager, INOVASI at Palladium

Asep Suryahadi
Director, SMERU Research Institute, Jakarta

Ariane Utomo
Research Fellow, Crawford School of Public Policy

Peter Warr
Adjunct John Crawford Professor of Agricultural Economics and Convener,
Arndt-Corden Department of Economics

Chikako Yamauchi
Research Fellow, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo

Arief A. Yusuf
Faculty of Economics, University of Padjajaran, Bandung

Advisory Board Members (2014-2017)

Michael Wesley Allaster Cox Sue Vroombout
Helen Sullivan Raghbendra Jha Hal Hill
Greg Fealy M Chatib Basri Mari Pangestu
Asep Suryahadi Lisa Cameron Michele Ford
Greg Earl Stephen Grenville Budy Resosudarmo


Kate McLinton
Project Manager and Development Coordinator

Ben Wilson
Managing Editor, Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies

Nurkemala Muliani
Outreach Manager

Lydia Napitupulu
Indonesia Liaison Officer

Agnes Samosir
News from Indonesia Correspondent

Trish van der Hoek
Newsletter Editor

PhD students

Deni Friawan
The impact of free trade area (FTA) on Indonesian manufacture sector

Umbu Raya Kedamaki
Social classes, institutional changes and the livelihood of the poor

Yessy Vadila
Tariff reforms and welfare in Indonesia

Mohamad Agung Widodo
Childhood living conditions and human development in Indonesia

Rus'an Nasrudin
Development in lagging and natural disaster prone regions of Indonesia

Adrianus Hendrawan
Effects of political decentralisation on local fiscal policy and service outcomes

Deasy Pane
Does export experience improve firm performance? Evidence from Indonesia

Anna Falentina
Micro and small enterprises in Indonesia

Chitra Septyandrica
Institutional changes and resource exploitation in Indonesia

Abdul Nasir
The impact of Law no 22/2001 (Oil & Gas Law) on the efficiency of the up-stream oil and gas sector in Indonesia

Ruth Nikijuluw
Essays on local government spending and service delivery in Indonesia

Human capital formation in Indonesia: the role of early-life conditions

Umi Yaumidin
An essay on system of Rice Intensification (SRI) and sustainable agriculture

Wishnu Mahraddika
to be announced

Nurina Merdikawati
to be announced

Chandra Putra
The role of product quality and scope in the framework of love-of-variety: the case of Indonesian manufacturing sector

Updated:  15 January 2019/ Responsible Officer:  Department Administrator/ Page Contact:  CAP Web Team