ANU Indonesia Project Research Fellowship
The Australian National University (ANU) Indonesia Project aims to encourage research on the Indonesia’s development society and, in the longer term, to expand the number of young researchers with a close familiarity with Indonesia. To this end, it has received a grant from DFAT to partial fund a full-time (postdoctoral) research fellow who can undertake serious analytical work on any aspect of Indonesia’s development, and collaborate with the ANU Indonesia Project. The receiver of the funds will be called the ANU Indonesia Project (Postdoctoral) Research Fellow.
Whilst the fellow can be from any discipline and be based in any department/centre/school within the ANU, a preference is for a researcher who works on the economy or the political economy of gender, disability or lagging regions in Indonesia. Training in economics is not required, however priority will be given to candidates that have some training in and familiarity with development economics or policy.
The appointed applicant can start as early as 1 November 2017 or as late as 1 June 2018.
What is on offer
The ANU Indonesia Project can offer the successful individual or department/centre/school a total of $70,000 per annum (for up to two years) towards the (Postdoctoral) Research Fellow position. This grant should be used to cover things like salary and on costs, overheads, and recruitment costs. Any remaining costs will need to be met by the host department/centre/school.
Continued ANU Indonesia Project support for the (Postdoctoral) Research Fellow position for each successive year will be subject to satisfactory performance, as determined annually by the ANU Indonesia Project Research Fellowship Committee.
What is expected
The ANU Indonesia (Postdoctoral) Research Fellow will be expected to visit Indonesia to collect data/information for as well as present her/his research projects, and to acquire basic fluency in the Indonesian language to assist them in their work.
She/he will be required to present a piece of her/his work on the Indonesia’s development society at an Indonesia Study Group seminar or at an Arndt-Corden Department of Economics seminar 10 months into the fellowship period and another at the end of the second year. She/he is required to produce at least one academic paper at the end of the fellowship.
In addition, it is expected that the fellow will serve as a book editor of the Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, coordinate the ANU Indonesia Project’s Research Travel Grants as well regularly attend the Arndt-Corden Department of Economics seminar, and participate in the management of and regularly attend the Indonesia Study Group seminar.
Application process
Applications may be submitted either by an individual or a unit at the ANU. Individual applicants should nominate a department/centre/school within ANU that will host them. The department/centre/school should support their application and agree to cover the remaining cost of their position. A department/centre/school within ANU can either propose an existing individual employed by ANU or can suggest the creation of a new position. The department/centre/school must be willing to cover any remaining costs of the position.
Individual candidates and candidates proposed by a department/centre/school within ANU must be approved by the ANU Indonesia Project Research Fellowship Committee.
Individuals and department/centre/school within the ANU interested in applying for the fellowship grant should send the CV of the proposed candidate and a proposal of research activities before 15 May 2017 to the Head of the ANU Indonesia Project Research Fellowship Committee, see details below.
Head, ANU Indonesia Project Research Fellowship Committee
Arndt-Corden Department of Economics
Crawford School of Public Policy
ANU College of Asia and the Pacific