
Flood modelling and simulations involving rainfall in Indonesia

Research team

Sudi Mungkasi (Indonesia)
Stephen Roberts (Australia)

This project focuses on simulations of floods in Jakarta using the free and open source ANUGA software ( Sudi Mungkasi and Stephen Roberts identify that three major causes of Jakarta floods are heavy rainfall in Jabodetabek area, high tides at Jakarta North Coast, and massive sedimentation in Jakarta rivers as well as the coast. Before the project was started, ANUGA was not able to handle rainfall data. They have now produced a numerical procedure to include rainfall data for flood simulations. Now heavy rainfall and high tides can be handled by our numerical solver. For future direction, they shall include the sedimentation into their simulations, as it is one of the three major causes of Jakarta floods.

At first they simulate floods using ANUGA where reliable recorded data available, such as in U.S.A. and Australia. From this point, they can validate the accuracy of their simulations.

Mungkasi and Roberts then conducted some scenarios of Jakarta floods. Rainfall data is added as input into ANUGA. ANUGA software is now able to handle rainfall data for flood simulations. The new version of ANUGA software has been uploaded on the website

For this research, they had meetings in Australia as well as Indonesia. They conducted a workshop for Indonesian scientists and engineers on 12 September 2014 about modelling and simulation for flood inundation.

Future collaboration

They will continue their research collaboration. There is one more factor that needs to be included into their research on Jakarta floods. That factor is massive sedimentation in Jakarta rivers and Jakarta North Coast. To obtain accurate simulation results, this sedimentation must be considered for Jakarta floods. Their future collaborative work is to include the sedimentation into our numerical procedure.

Downloads Predictions on arrival times of water of the St. Francis dam break flood using ANUG

Mungkasi, S 2014, ‘Performance of a second order finite volume method with different slope limiters in solving the dam-break problem’, proceedings of the International Conference on the Analysis and Mathematical Applications in Engineering and Science (AMAES), pp.213-222, ISBN: 978-983-44482-6-4, January.

Wiryanto, LH, Mungkasi, S 2014, ‘A Boussinesq-type model for waves generated by flow over a bump’, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol.8 (106), pp.5293-5302.

Updated:  19 July 2016/ Responsible Officer:  Department Administrator/ Page Contact:  CAP Web Team