Jakarta Seminars

Joint seminars with various institutions in Indonesia.

Seminars from past years

Nurkemala Muliani
Indonesia Project
(02) 6125 5954

Indonesia Study Group

Meetings are held from 12.30 to 2.00 pm in the Arndt Room (Seminar Room B), Coombs Building, Fellows Road, ANU (unless otherwise specified).

ISG presentations (audio and visuals) are generally available soon after the event for download from the links below.

The committee welcomes suggestions for seminar speakers and topics. Please contact any of us:

Committee for 2017

Ed Aspinall x55915
Sarah (Xue) Dong x53756
Greg Fealy x52302
John McCarthy x50494
Marcus Mietzner x57241
Arianto Patunru x59786
Eve Warburton
Yulia Indri Sari x53180
Ross Tapsell x53677
Ariane Utomo x52220

If you would like to subscribe to the Indonesia Study Group List, please send your contact details (including email address) to

Upcoming seminars