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Selection to PhD Programs
Recommendations for course admission and PhD scholarships will be based both on merit (as manifested by academic performance, relevant experience and the quality of the proposed research) and on the ability of staff members within the School to accommodate students’ research interests and projects.
Students studying a PhD program in Economics undertake a program of full-time study that comprises two parts: Coursework (Part A) and Research (Part B). All PhD candidates must complete both parts of the doctoral program. Part A normally consists of two consecutive semesters of coursework. Part B consists of research, participation in seminars and workshops, and submission of a thesis. Students wishing to undertake a PhD in Economics whose first language is not English are required to have an overall IELTS score of 6.5 with a score of no less than 6.0 in each individual band.
Sulistiyo Kadam Ardiyono (Chair of panel: Dr A Patunru)
Thesis title: Firms’ responses to shocks and the impacts on employment and investment -
Joel Bowman (Chair of panel: Professor L Song)
Thesis title: The working dead: The dynamics, causes and consequences of zombie businesses -
Bashar Fakhruzzaman (Chair of panel: Associate Professor Y Zhou)
Thesis title: Industrial upgrading in the apparel value chain: Evidence from Bangladesh -
Inggrid (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: The big push and development: An inquiry into the role of the transport revolution in Indonesia -
Xueting Jiang (Chair of panel: Professor D Stern)
Thesis title: Essays on air pollution, climate change, and extreme weather -
Abdul Nasir (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Three essays on the economic impacts of oil and gas extraction: the case of Indonesia -
Chloe Rice (Chair of panel: Associate Professor HL Chu)
Thesis title: A data-driven framework for managing and monitoring novel and endemic infectious diseases in Australia: Four essays -
Riswandi (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Essays on child development in Indonesia -
Moh Agung Widodo (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Childhood development and human capital accumulation: evidence from Indonesia
Andrew Carter (Chair of panel: Professor R Breunig)
Thesis title: Empirical essays in taxation - responses to the Australian taxation system -
Sudyumna Dahal (Chair of panel: Professor R Fry-McKibbin)
Thesis title: Essays on remittances, R&D and macroeconomy -
Quoc Anh Ho (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor K Kalirajan)
Thesis title: Vietnam’s economic growth: The roles of labour productivity, structural change, and foreign direct investment -
Minh Ngoc Le (Chair of panel: Associate Professor HL Chu)
Thesis title: Essays on enterprises, standards compliance, and environmental issues In Vietnam -
Mai Nguyen (Chair of panel: Associate Professor H Nguyen)
Thesis title: Food safety in international trade and the political economy in Vietnam -
Lin Qi (Chair of panel: Professor R Fry-McKibbin)
Thesis title: Essays on nonlinearities in financial market co-movements -
Tristram Sainsbury (Chair of panel: Professor R Breunig)
Thesis title: Essays in empirical policy evaluation: COVID-19 fiscal policy and the early release of superannuation -
Thomas Wangi (Chair of panel: Professor R Fry-McKibbin)
Thesis title: Demand for excess reserves by commercial banks in Papua New Guinea -
Tsendsuren Batsuuri (Chair of panel: Distinguished Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Economic and environmental impacts of demographic changes in a life-cycle model -
Mara Hammerle (Chair of panel: Professor P Burke)
Thesis title: Essays on household energy poverty and Australia’s renewable energy transition -
Shane Johnson (Chair of panel: Professor R Breunig)
Thesis title: Essays in empirical tax policy: Taxpayers’ responses to the Australian personal taxation system -
Yichang Liu (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor K Kalirajan)
Thesis title: Trade in renewable energy commodities among Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Countries: An exploratory study -
Matthew Woolf (Chair of panel: Associate Professor C Day)
Thesis title: Essays on inequality, human capital, and economic growth
Krisna Gupta (Chair of panel: Dr A Patunru)
Thesis title: How investment and trade shape the economic transformation of Indonesia -
Nurina Merdikawati (Chair of panel: Dr S Dong)
Thesis title: Essays on the impact of labour market regulation in Indonesia -
Wanissa Suanin (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor P Athukorala)
Thesis title: Processed food exports from developing countries: patterns, determinants, policy issues -
Vishesh Agarwal (Chair of panel: Professor L Song)
Thesis title: The effects of political shocks on international trade: evidence from China and major partners, 1998-2018 -
Yuventus Effendi (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Implications of electricity market integration and renewable electricity development in the East Asia region -
Siti Kamariah Ghazali (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor P Athukorala)
Thesis title: The real exchange rate and economic performance: insights from the Malaysian experience -
Albert Lamberte (Chair of panel: Professor Q Grafton)
Thesis title: Economic analyses of policies for household water services in Metro Manila -
Hai Thanh Nguyen (Chair of panel: Associate Professor HL Chu)
Thesis title: Liberalisation reforms and manufacturing productivity in a transition economy: The Vietnamese experience -
Phan Le (Chair of panel: Professor B Lewis)
Thesis title: Sources of productivity growth in Vietnam: Three essays
Taehyun Ryu (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Institutions, government, and development -
Tong Zhang (Chair of panel: Associate Professor P Burke)
Thesis title: Essays on the effects of road transport costs -
Martha Primanthi (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor K Kalirajan)
Thesis title: Characteristics of Indonesia’s large and medium scale manufacturing industries: An exploratory analysis -
Ruth Nikijuluw (Chair of panel: Associate Professor B Lewis)
Thesis title: Essays on decentralisation and accountability in Indonesia -
Umi Yaumidin (Chair of panel: Associate Professor HL Chu)
Thesis title: Essays on sustainable agriculture in Indonesia -
Denny Irawan (Chair of panel: Associate Professor T Okimoto)
Thesis title: Macro uncertainties and financial dynamics of renewable and non-renewable resource companies -
Kai-Yun Tsai (Chair of panel: Distinguished Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: The economic impact of the emergence of China on Taiwan -
Silva Daniel Withmory (Chair of panel: Professor R Fry-McKibbin)
Thesis title: Essays in Australian macroeconomic policy -
Thai Nguyen (Chair of panel: Associate Professor HL Chu)
Thesis title: Essays on the economics of energy in Vietnam -
Chris Wokker (Chair of panel: Professor R Breunig)
Thesis title: Essays in applied microeconomics -
Wishnu Mahraddika (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor P Athukorala)
Thesis title: Financial globalization and macroeconomic policy -
Barli Suryanta (Chair of panel: Dr A Patunru)
Thesis title: Indonesia’s integration into the regional and global economies -
Chandra Tri Putra (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: Essays on firm diversification strategies: Evidence from Indonesian medium and large manufacturing plants -
Christopher James Cabuay (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Essays on migration and remittances in the Philippines -
Hang Hoang (Chair of panel: Distinguished Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Essays in innovation, trade and determinants of growth -
Anthony Wiskich (Chair of panel: Distinguished Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Essays on modelling the economics of energy and the climate -
Trang Be (Chair of panel: Associate Professor HL Chu)
Thesis title: The political economy of small and medium-sized enterprises in Vietnam. -
Augustus Panton (Chair of panel: Distinguished Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Essays on climatic disruptions and monetary policy -
Phitawat Poonpolkul (Chair of panel: Distinguished Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Essays on demographic changes and macroeconomics -
Shanika Rathnayake Mudiyanselage (Chair of panel: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Sustainability of public debt, debt stabilisation, fiscal rules and debt growth nexus in developing world -
Alongkorn Tanasritunyakul (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor P Athukorala)
Thesis title: Asian export performance: diversification, product variety, and productivity
Lien Huong Do (Chair of panel: Dr H Nguyen)
Thesis title: Essays on agriculture and rural development in Viet Nam -
Wannaphong Durongkaveroj (Chair of panel: Professor P Athukorala)
Thesis title: Trade, growth, and equity: four essays -
Samuel Firew (Chair of panel: Professor K Kalirajan)
Thesis title: Economic integration in the ASEAN region, and international trade linkages with FDI, tourism and the environment -
Adrianus Hendrawan (Chair of panel: Associate Professor B Lewis)
Thesis title: Political economy of Indonesia’s decentralisation -
Nicholas Bayly (Chair of panel: Professor R Breunig)
Thesis title: Female board representation and corporate performance: an Australian perspective -
Mark Fabian (Chair of panel: Professor R Breunig)
Thesis title: A theory of subjective well-being -
Owen Freestone (Chair of panel: Professor R Breunig)
Thesis title: Economic inequality over the life cycle in Australia -
Christopher Hoy (Chair of panel: Professor S Howes)
Thesis title: Evaluating people’s support for and the impact of tax and transfer policies in developing countries -
Chi Hoong Leong (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor J Bennett)
Thesis title: Willingness-to-pay for noise abatement in Singapore -
Kate McKinnon (Chair of panel: Professor R Fry-McKibbin)
Thesis title: Essays in empirical asset pricing -
Donny Pasaribu (Chair of panel: Emeritus Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: The Dutch disease, natural resource booms and policy adjustments: The case of Indonesia
From 2019 onwards, this list includes all PhD in Economics graduates from the Crawford School of Public Policy under the newly-expanded Arndt-Corden Department of Economics.
Deasy Pane (Chair of panel: Dr A Patunru)
Thesis title: Firms in international trade: evidence from Indonesia -
Panittra Ninpanit (Chair of panel: Professor D Stern)
Thesis title: Economic analysis of energy use and environmental impacts in Thailand -
Umbu Reku Raya (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Essays on inequality of opportunities and development outcomes in Indonesia -
Rus’an Nasrudin (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Three essays on livelihood and development in Indonesia -
Anna Triana Falentina (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia: Three essays -
Yessi Vadila (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: The socio-economic, environmental, and health impacts of tariff reforms in Indonesia -
Paul Wyrwoll (Chair of panel: Professor Q Grafton)
Thesis title: The economics and governance of multipurpose hydropower reservoirs -
Nilar Aung (Chair of panel: Dr H Nguyen)
Thesis title: Rice production, income diversification and rural development in Myanmar -
Nathan Deutscher (Chair of panel: Professor R Breunig)
Thesis title: Empirical essays in intergenerational mobility and early childhood human capital formation -
Paul Hubbard (Chair of panel: Dr S Armstrong)
Thesis title: The nature and performance of China’s state-owned enterprises -
Giang Nguyen (Chair of panel: Associate Professor M Sinning)
Thesis title: Essays on economic development in Southeast Asia -
Lam Xuan Nguyen (Chair of panel: Professor K Kalirajan)
Thesis title: An asymmetric country model with financial frictions
Nguyen Thi Minh Hieu (Chair of panel: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Human capital: Parental aspirations, ethnic differences and crime -
Sadia Afrin (Chair of panel: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Monetary policy transmission mechanism, financial frictions in closed and open economy DSGE models -
Kimlong Chheng (Chair of panel: Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Food insecurity in developing economies: Cambodian and International evidence
Rohan Best (Chair of panel: Dr P Burke)
Thesis title: Energy and economic development: Underlying macroeconomic and institutional factors -
Omer Majeed (Chair of panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Trade policy and production fragmentation -
Samuel Weldeegzie (Chair of panel: R Breunig)
Thesis title: Essays on human capital in Ethiopia
Lwin Lwin Aung (Chair of panel: Professor P Warr)
Thesis title: Accounting for consumption inequality in Myanmar: 2004/05-2009/10 -
Matthew McKay (Chair of panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Patterns of world trade: An application of network complexity analysis -
Sirikarn Lertamphainont (Chair of panel: Dr R Sparrow)
Thesis title: Farm household welfare: The application of weather and disaster shocks in Thailand -
Thang Tat Vo (Chair of panel: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: The relationship between confidence and economic policy in Vietnam -
Huy Quynh Nguyen (Chair of panel: Professor P Warr)
Thesis title: Policy reform for smallholder agriculture: an analysis using household data for Vietnam -
Ryan Edwards (Chair of panel: Dr P Burke)
Thesis title: Natural resource sectors and human development: International and Indonesian evidence -
Rajan Krishna Panta (Chair of panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Labour migration, migrant remittances and economic development -
Fadliya (Chair of panel: Associate Professor R McLeod)
Thesis title: Fiscal decentralisation in Indonesia
Sitta Rosdaniah (Chair of panel: Dr R McLeod)
Thesis title: Nominal and actual objectives of economic policy making in Indonesia -
Jagath Dissanayake (Chair of panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Three essays on international food prices -
Ariun-Erdene Bayarjargal (Chair of panel: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Inequality and economic development -
Michael Cabalfin (Chair of panel: Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: Of milk and honey: Returns to education and migration of Filipinos
Delwar Hossain (Chair of panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Essays on capital inflows and economic development -
Fahad Khan (Chair of panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Three essays on determinants and impact of institutional quality -
Manoj Kumar Pandey (Chair of panel: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Essays in the economics of ageing -
Marcel Schroder (Chair of Panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Real exchange rates and foreign assets: three essays -
Acram Latiph (Chair of panel: Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: What’s wrong with Mindanao? The unequal development in the Philippines -
Kien Trung Nguyen (Chair of panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Economic reforms manufacturing employment and productivi -
Sitthiroth Rasphone (Chair of panel: Professor P Warr)
Thesis title: Marginal benefit incidence of public spending in Laos -
Nga Thi Thanh Nguyen (Chair of panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Ownership bias and economic transition: Evidence from the manufacturing sector in Vietnam -
Duc Truong Nguyen (Chair of panel: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Essays on India’s monetary and fiscal policies and their interrelation -
Ramesh C Paudel (Chair of panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Growth and export performance of developing countries: Is landlockedness destiny?
- Rahman Abdurohman (Chair of panel: Associate Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Countercyclical fiscal policy in Indonesia
Hemantha Ekanayake (Chair of panel: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Essays on Fiscal and Monetary Interdependence -
Titik Anas (Chair of panel: Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: Behind the Boom and Bust of Indonesian Exports -
Nitin Gupta (Chair of panel: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Essays on India’s Post-Reform Industrial Performance -
Andrew Jia Yi Kam (Chair of panel: Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: Malaysian Industrialisation: Production Fragmentation, Productivity and Technology Spillovers -
Moekti Soejachmoen (Chair of panel: Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: Why is Indonesia Left Behind in Global Production Networks? -
Swarnim Wagle (Chair of panel: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Essays on Policy Reforms in Trade, Investment and Taxation
Shuhei Nishitateno (Supervisor: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: The trend of production fragmentation, its determinants and the impact of the fragmentation on Exchange Rate Pass-Through (ERPT) -
Ditya Nurdianto (Supervisor: Associate Professor B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: A General Equilibrium Perspective on Energy and Environmental Policies in ASEAN -
Raden Muhamad Purnagunawan (Supervisor: Associate Professor C Manning)
Thesis title: Minimum Wages and Labour Market Outcomes in Decentralised Indonesia
Paul Burke (Supervisor: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: On impacts of economic growth -
Xin Liu (Supervisor: Professor G Fane)
Thesis title: Testing Alternative Explanations for the Uncovered Interest Parity Anomaly
Honge (Cathy) Gong (Supervisor: Professor X Meng)
Thesis title: Financial essays on spatial price differences and income mobility in urban China, 1986-2004 -
Miki Matsui (Supervisor: Associate Professor C Manning)
Thesis title: Marriage, employment and happiness: The work-life balance of Japanese women -
Waleerat Suphannachart (Supervisor: Professor P Warr)
Thesis title: Research and productivity in Thailand agriculture -
Rodrigo Taborda (Supervisor: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Structural reforms and industrial adjustment in Columbia -
Russell Thomson (Supervisor: Professor H Hill, Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: The Determinants of technological innovation -
Christine Yeo (Supervisor: Professor X Meng)
Thesis title: Three essays on individuals’ responses to welfare reforms in China -
Dandan Zhang (Supervisor: Professor X Meng)
Thesis title: Employment, inequality and poverty in China
Tu Dang (Supervisor: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Choice between exchange rate band and corner solutions with imperfect credibility -
Machmud, T M Arief (Supervisor: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Determinants of inflation in Indonesia: An econometric analysis -
Sam Hill (Supervisor: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Foreign direct investment and economic growth: The role of host country policies -
Jakrit Ruangkajorn (Supervisor: Professor P Warr)
Thesis title: The determinants of private investment in Thailand -
Muhammad Nashihin (Supervisor: Professor G Fane)
Thesis title: Poverty incidence in Indonesia, 1987-2002: A utility-consistent approach based on a new survey of regional prices -
Alberto Posso (Supervisor: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Outward orientation and labour market outcomes in Asia and Latin America -
Riyana Miranti (Supervisor: Associate Professor C Manning)
Thesis title: The determinants of regional poverty in Indonesia 1984-2002 -
Della Temenggung (Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: Foreign direct investment and industrial transformation in Indonesia -
Yogi Vidyattama (Professor H Hill and Dr B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Patterns of provinicial economic growth in Indonesia -
Nobuaki Yamashita (Professor PC Athukorala and Professor M Richardson)
Thesis title: International fragmentation of production, trade patterns and the labour market adjustments in Japanese manufacturing -
Arief Anshory Yusuf (Supervisor: Dr B Resosudarmo)
Thesis title: Distributional impact of environmental policies in Indonesia
Beng Jiunn Ang (Supervisor: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: The causal relationship between economic growth and financial development -
Kompal Sinha (Superivsor: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Essays in nutrition and labour supply: An empirical investigation for rural India -
Quang Tien Tran (Supervisor: ProfProfessor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Foreign direct investment and industrialisation in Vietnam
Edda Claus (Supervisors: Dr M H Dungey, Dr R Fry)
Thesis title: Monetary policy and inflation targeting -
Tao Kong (Supervisor: Professor R Garnaut)
Thesis title: Growth effects of political institutions -
Dionisius Narjoko (Supervisor: Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: Indonesian manufacturing and the economic crisis of 1997/98 -
Kang Yong Tan (Supervisor: Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Dynamic learning in macroeconometric models -
Hsiao Chink Tang (Supervisor: Professor W Mckibbin)
Thesis title: Monetary policy transmission mechanism in Malaysia: An empirical and methodological exploration -
Zavkijon Zavkiev (Supervisor: Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Modelling the Tajikistan economy with an application to the evaluation of monetary regimes
Juthathip Jongwanich (Supervisor: Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Crisis, adjustment and exchange rate policy option for post-crisis East Asia: The case study of Thailand -
Archanun Kohpaiboon (Supervisor: Professor PC Athukorala)
Thesis title: Foreign direct investment and industrial transformation in Thailand -
Natalia Ponomareva (Supervisor: Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Monetary regimes for developing countries -
Alison Stegman (Supervisor: Professor W Mckibbin)
Thesis title: International climate change agreements
- Anurag Sharma (Supervisor: Professor R Jha)
Thesis title: Fiscal deficits, banking crises and adjustment policy in a semi-open economy
Iman Sugema (Supervisor: Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: Indonesia’s deep economic crisis: The role of the banking sector in its origins and propagation -
Chia-Hung Sun (Supervisor: Professor K Kalirajan, Professor W Mckibbin)
Thesis title: The growth process in East Asian manufacturing industries: a re-examination -
Qun Shi (Supervisor: Professor G Fane)
Thesis title: The social security system in China - Its origin, recent reforms and the prospects of future reforms
Tingsong Jiang (Supervisor: Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Economic instruments for pollution control in an imperfect world: Theory and implications for carbon dioxide emissions control in China -
M C Basri (Supervisor: Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: The political economy of manufacturing protection in Indonesia -
Kanhaiya Singh (Supervisor: Professor K Kalirajan, Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Inflation, growth and monetary policy in India: A macroeconomic analysis
Alexandra Sidorenko (Supervisor: Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Health insurance and demand for medical care: Theory and application to Australia -
Steve Seneque (Supervisor: Professor K Kalirajan)
Thesis title: The impact of economic reforms on Vietnam’s agricultural economy (1989-1995) -
X. Fan (Supervisor: Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: Technological spillovers from foreign direct investment and industrial growth in China
Aswicahyono, H (Supervisor: Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: Total factor productivity in Indonesia manufacturing, 1975-1993 -
Bird, K B (Supervisor Professor H Hill)
Thesis title: Industrial concentration and competition in Indonesian manufacturing -
Chang, H (Supervisor: Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: International trade, productivity growth, eduction and wage differentials in general equilibrium -
Tang, KK (Supervisor: Professor W McKibbin)
Thesis title: One country, two systems, how many monies? Essays on the exchange rate arrangement of Hong Kong -
Thapa, PJ (Supervisor: Professor P Warr)
Thesis title: Labour heterogeneity in a farm household model: an application to Nepalese agriculture -
Weerasinghe, PN (Supervisor: Professor G Fane)
Thesis title: Trade openness and economic performance: a cross-country empirical study