News by 'Media release' category

Rates on hold as banks start to move

Unemployment and inflation mean rates should hold steady: Shadow RBA.

Keep rates on hold despite stronger growth

Global outlook remains uncertain say Shadow Board.

No meaningful results from $5 billion water reform

Time for a rethink on Australian water policy.

No need for pre-Christmas rate change

Shadow RBA says to hold steady for December.

Australia-China ties

A new report outlines the future of the bilateral relationship.

Hold rates steady despite low inflation

Shadow RBA says rates should remain on hold in August.

Following the UK lead?

Experts tackle tax policy for large multinationals.

Aussies want future based on community

Survey shows anxieties over culture of individualism.

Research reveals skill deficiency

A lack of economic expertise is costing government.

Analysis finds flaws

Direct Action program overstates emissions reductions: study


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Updated:  17 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team