Research Institutes and Centres

Australia-Japan Research Centre

The Australia-Japan Research Centre (AJRC) is the centre of research, teaching and outreach on the Japanese economy in Australia. AJRC also conducts research to better understand the Australia-Japan relationship and their place in the Asia Pacific economy. Established in 1980 with support from the governments and business communities in both Australian and Japan, the research encompasses trade, finance, macroeconomics, as well as international economic relations.
Director: Shiro Armstrong

Institute for Infrastructure in Society

The Institute delivers unique sector-level research insights to inform improved community engagement, address cumulative impacts of major infrastructure projects, model poorly defined social risks and shape public policy. I2S provides research evidence to reduce socio-environmental risks, improve community experiences of major infrastructure project delivery, inform best practice industry-government-community engagement and improve policies that govern social impact management. The Institute works in direct partnership with industry, government, civil society and communities to promote the close, effective and meaningful working-together of academics and non-academics to generate new knowledge, products, services, policies and practices throughout the infrastructure sector.
Director: Sara Bice (Research inquiries)

Industry Director: Kirsty O’Connell (Partnership inquiries)

Social Policy Institute

The Institute is committed to multi-disciplinary and collaborative research on social policy issues in Australia and internationally. It cooperates closely with other Centres and research groups within the ANU including in the College of Arts and Social Sciences, as well as with international research networks.

Our aims include: - To inform and contribute to policy-making processes and promote discussion of major social policy issues, in Australia, across the region and globally; - Foster networks and promote collaboration between researchers, policy makers and practitioners and the community on social policy issues. Effective communication of research findings is central to the mission of the Social Policy Institute. To achieve this, it runs and co-hosts a range of round-tables on social policy issues to discuss key research findings in accessible, policy-relevant formats.
Director: Peter Whiteford

Poverty and Inequality Research Centre

The Poverty and Inequality Research Centre (PIRC) undertakes research to assess and better understand poverty and inequality – in order to inform policy, programs and services. Research undertaken by PIRC aims to identify which social groups experience poverty or inequality and how, to develop appropriate responses, and to uncover structural causes.

PIRC is the home of the Individual Measure of Multidimensional Poverty (IMMP). The IMMP is an innovative, gender sensitive measure of multidimensional poverty, designed to provide decision-makers with the detailed and nuanced information needed to develop effective public policies, programs, and services.
Director: Sharon Bessell
Deputy Director: Budy Resosudarmo

Children’s Policy Centre

The Children’s Policy Centre (CPC) undertakes research on issues relating to children and childhood, and is committed to contributing to child-centred and child-inclusive policy. CPC has three key objectives. First, to undertake innovative, inter-disciplinary research on a range of issues relating to children’s policy. Second, to connect researchers, policy makers and practitioners working on a range of issues to promote the human rights, well-being and best interests of children. Third, to communicate the findings of research relating to children and childhood. In defining children, we draw on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and focus on people aged under eighteen years.
Director: Sharon Bessell
Deputy Director: Angie Bexley

Updated:  19 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team