Crawford researchers win prestigious Discovery Project funding

05 December 2019

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Yixiao Zhou is an Associate Professor at the Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Crawford School of Public Policy. Yixiao has expertise in understanding drivers of inclusive growth and development and identifying policies that enhance them.

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Crawford School’s Professor Renée Fry-McKibbin and Dr Yixiao Zhou secured two highly-competitive Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project grants for their respective research projects.

Professor Fry-McKibbin is part of a research team that also includes Professor Mark Weder and Professor Matthew Greenwood-Nimmo to look at Australia’s resilience to recession. Their project aims to study why Australia differs from its OECD peers by unpacking why some foreign financial market shocks have not spilled over to the Australian economy. They will also look at how the resource curse that affects economies with a booming resource sector has been avoided.

Dr Yixiao Zhao is working together with Adjunct Professor Rod Tyers and Professor Markus Brueckner, both from the ANU College of Business and Economics, on a project investigating the implications of automation for income equality. The researchers will examine the implications both for Australia and overseas.

The ARC Discovery Projects scheme provides project funding for innovative research that will benefit Australia, support national and international research collaboration, and expand Australia’s knowledge base and research capacity.

The award to the Crawford researchers is part of $23.6 million in ARC funding for 55 research projects across ANU.

A full list of winners can be found here.

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