Björn Dressel's picture

Björn Dressel

Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy


B Laws/BA Politics (Trier); MA International Relations, PhD (Johns Hopkins University)

Contact details
  • “Party Institutionalization in Southeast Asia Past & Present: Evidence from Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines”, Presentation Centre for democratic Institutions, Political Party Leadership Program (May 2012)
  • “Enhancing the Capabilities of Central Finance Agencies: From Diagnosis to Action”, Presentation World Bank Workshop, Nairobi (June 2011); Collaborative African Budget Reform Initiative (CABRI), Kigali (August 2011)
  • “Frontiers: Political Economy for Aid Effectiveness”, Presentation WB/AusAID Workshop on ‘Strengthening Aid-Effectiveness for PFM’, Jakarta (May 2011)
  • “Transformation of Constitutionalism in Asia: The Role of the Courts”, Presentation at the First Annual Conference on Constitutionalism and Good Governance, Thammasat University (November 2010)
  • “Strengthening the Capabilities of Central Finance Agencies in the Pacific: Some Political Economy Considerations”, Presentation Australian Department of Finance and Deregulation (June 2010)
  • “The Political Economy of Public Financial Management and Service Delivery in Thailand. National and Local Issues”, Presentation WB Office Thailand (November 2009)
  • “The Political Determinants of Public Financial Management Reform in Thailand: Understanding the Past, Managing the Future”, Presentation WB Office Thailand (November 2009)
  • “Towards the Judicialization of Politics in Asia? Reflections from Southeast Asia”, Public Lecture Griffith University (August 2009)
  • “The Role and Capabilities of Central Finance Agencies in the PFM Process”, Presentation ODI-CAPE conference (November 2008, with Jim Brumby)
  • “Thailand’s Elusive Quest for a Workable Constitution”, Public Lecture Griffith University (October 2008)
  • “Thailand’s Difficult Route to Democracy”, Public Lecture Kent State University (January 2008)
  • “Education Reform in Cambodia: The Challenges Ahead”, Lecture for the Cambodia Project at Columbia University (September 2007)
  • “Do Constitutions Matter? Constitutional Reforms, Democratic Governance, and Budgetary Politics in Thailand, South Africa and the Philippines”, Luncheon Seminar, Brookings Transparency and Accountability Project (June 2007)
  • “Political Volatility in the Philippines: Origins of Crisis, Prospects for Reform?”, Panel Discussant, World Bank (March 2006)
  • “The Current Cha-Cha Debate in the Philippines: Lessons from the Thai Case”, Address to Members of the Philippine Congress and Civil Society Organizations organized by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Philippines (July 2004)

Updated:  25 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team