Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt AO's picture

Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt AO

Professor, Resource, Environment and Development (RE&D) Program.

Contact details

Phone: +610409158145

Room: Crawford A Room 3.56

Books & Monographs

Journal articles

Book chapters

  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala. 2015. Towards a more comprehensive understanding of rivers, in Ramaswamy Iyer (ed) Living Rivers, Dying Rivers, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp 421-434.
  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala. 2015. Gender in and gender and mining: Feminist approaches, in Anne Coles, Leslie Gray and Janet Momsen (eds) The Routledge Handbook on Gender and Development, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 162-172.
  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala. 2015. The silent (and gendered) violence: Understanding water access in mining areas through the rights lens, chapter in Stephanie Boechler and Anne-Marie Hansom (eds), A Political Ecology of Women, Water and Global Environmental Change, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 38-57.
  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala 2014. Introducing coal in India: Energising the nation, in Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (ed) The Coal Nation: Histories, Politics and Ecologies of Coal in India, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 1-37.
  1. Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala 2014. Between Legitimacy and Illegality: Informal coal mining at the limits of justice, in Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (ed) The Coal Nation: Histories, Politics and Ecologies of Coal in India, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 39-62.

- Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala 2014. Stranded between the state and the market: ‘Uneconomic’ mine closure in the Raniganj coal belt, in Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (ed) The Coal Nation: Histories, Politics and Ecologies of Coal in India, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 39-62.129-143. - Herbert, Tony and Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, 2014. World Bank, coal and indigenous peoples: Lessons from Parej East, Jharkhand, in Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (ed) The Coal Nation: Histories, Politics and Ecologies of Coal in India, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 39-62.145-164. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, Radhika Krishnan and Nesar Ahmad. 2014. ‘Captive’ coal mining in Jharkhand: Taking land from indigenous communities, in Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (ed) The Coal Nation: Histories, Politics and Ecologies of Coal in India, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 39-62.165-182. - Ahmad, Nesar and Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt. 2014. Gender in coal mining induced displacement and rehabilitation in Jharkhand, in Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (ed) The Coal Nation: Histories, Politics and Ecologies of Coal in India, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 39-62.229-255. - Ganguly-Scrase, Ruchira and Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, 2013. ‘Dispossession, Placelessness, Home and Belonging: An Outline of a Research Agenda’ in Ruchira Ganguly-Scrase and Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (eds) Rethinking Displacement: Asia-Pacific Perspectives, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 3-30. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala and Gopa Samanta, 2013. Home-making and Regrounding: Lives of Bangladeshi Migrants on the Damodar Charlands of Lower Bengal, India, in Ruchira Ganguly-Scrase and Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (eds) Rethinking Displacement: Asia-Pacific Perspectives, Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 197-220. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala and Gill Burke, 2011. Gender Mainstreaming in Mining in Asia: Need for a Development Perspective, in Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt (ed) Gendering the Field: Towards Sustainable Livelihoods for Mining Communities, ANU E Press. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2011. Gender-based Evaluation of Development Projects: Use of the LAST Method, in Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, (ed.) Gendering the Field: Towards Sustainable Livelihoods for Mining Communities, ANU E Press. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2010. [The mega-project of mining: A feminist critique [PDF, 320KB],]( in Stanley Brunn (eds) *Engineering Earth, Springer. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2009. Geography as a marginal social science, in Ravi S. Singh (ed) Indian Geography: Perspectives, Concerns and Issues, Rawat Publications, Jaipur, 242-250. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2009. Women, water and Rights [PDF, 2395KB], in Ramaswamy Iyer (ed) Water and Law in India, Sage, New Delhi, 275-304. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala and Kathryn Robinson, 2008. Bodies in contest: Labour legislation and women mineworkers’ agency in a coalmine [PDF, 918KB], in Michelle Ford and Lyn Parker (eds) Women and Work in Indonesia, Routledge, London, pp. 120-35. - Samanta, Gopa and Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, 2007. Marginal lives in marginal lands: Livelihood strategies of female-headed, immigrant, households in the charlands of river Damodar [PDF, 150KB], West Bengal, Jointly with in Sumi Krishna (ed) ‘Livelihoods and Citizenship in India’, Sage, New Delhi, pp. 99-120. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2006. Kamins building the empire: Class, caste and gender interface in Indian collieries [PDF, 122KB], in Jaclyn Gier and Laurie Mercier (eds) Mining Women: Gender in the development of a global industry, 1670-2005, Palgrave Macmillan, New York, pp. 71-87. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2006. Globalisation and women miners in Indonesia [PDF, 172KB], in Lahiri-Dutt, K. and M. Macintyre (ed) Women miners in developing countries: Pit women and others, Ashgate, pp. 349-370. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2006. Mining gender at work in the Indian collieries: Identity construction by Kamins [PDF, 160KB], in Lahiri-Dutt, K. and M. Macintyre (ed) Women miners in developing countries: Pit women and others Ashgate, pp. 163-184. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala and Martha Macintyre, 2006. [Introduction: Where life is in the pits (and elsewhere) and gendered [PDF, 138KB],] in Lahiri-Dutt, K. and M. Macintyre (ed) Women miners in developing countries: Pit women and others, Ashgate, pp. 1-24. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2006. Nadi O Nari: Social construction of rivers as women in rural Bengal, in Lahiri-Dutt, K. (ed) Fluid Bonds: Views on gender and water, Stree, Calcutta, pp. 387-408 - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2006. Introduction, in Lahiri-Dutt, K. (ed) Fluid Bonds: Views on gender and water Stree, Calcutta, pp. xiii-xl. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala and Gopa Samanta, 2004. Close rural-urban interactions in India: Evidences from Burdwan and its surrounding region, India, in P. Maiti and K. R. Gupta (ed) urban development debates: theories and praxes, Atlantic Books, New Delhi, pp. 19-211. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2003. Not a small job: Stone quarrying and women workers in the Rajmahal Traps in eastern India [PDF, 113KB] in Gavin Hilson (ed) The socio-economic impacts of artisanal and small-scale mining in developing countries, Published by AA Balkema, a division of Swets and Zeitliger Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 425-48. - Samanta, Gopa and Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, 2003. Transport network and rural development in Burdwan district, West Bengal, in B.C. Vaidya (ed) Geography of Transport Development in India, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi. pp. 423-31. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 1999. Subjective assessment of the environment: What it is and how to do it, in D. K. Basu et al (eds.) Environment: Issues and Challenges, Academic Staff College, The University of Burdwan, pp 214-41. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 1999. Gender inequalities in the mining-industrial-urban economy of the Raniganj Coalbelt of West Bengal, India, in Graham Chapman, Ashok Dutt and Robert Bradnock (eds.)* Urban Growth and Development in Asia, Volume II: Living in Cities*, Ashgate Publishing, England, pp 167-76. - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala and Prasanta Kumar Jana, 1998. Satellite imagery and its role in environmental management system: An Environmental Impact Assessment of Raniganj Coalbelt, in Dilip Roy (ed,) Environmental Management with Indian Experience, APH Publishing Corporation, New Delhi - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 1999. Landuse changes in a mining region: The case of the Raniganj coalbelt, in N. Prasad and R. Basu (eds) Contemporary Dimensions in Geography, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, pp. 206-16.

Publications: Important Policy Documents

  1. Cane, I., A. Schleger, S. Ali, D. Kemp, N. Mcintyre, P. Mckenna, A. Lechner, B. Dalaibuyan, K. Lahiri-Dutt, and N. Bulovic. 2015. Responsible Mining in Mongolia: Enhancing Positive Engagement, Brisbane: University of Queensland, Sustainable Minerals Institute.
  2. Adriana Eftimie, Katherine Heller, John Strongman Jennifer Hinton, Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt, Nellie Mutemeri, with Chansouk Insouvanh, Michael Godet Sambo, and Susan Wagner. 2012. Gender Dimensions of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining A Rapid Assessment Toolkit, Washington D.C.: The World Bank.

Consultancy Reports

Working papers

Book reviews

  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala 2010. [‘Of cleanliness and godliness’], A review of Clean: A History of Personal Hygiene and Purity, Virginia Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. available from
    - Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala 2009. The City in Action: Bombay Struggles for Power [PDF, 267KB], Jim Masselos, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, Asian Studies Review, 33: 4, 551 — 553.
  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala2009. Contested Terrain [PDF, 237KB] (ed) Amita Baviskar, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, Book Review, January, pp. 22-23.
  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala2007. Domicile and Diaspora: Anglo-Indian Women and the Spatial Politics of Home [PDF, 54KB], Alison Blunt, RGS-IBG Book Series, Blackwell Publishing. Geographical Research, September, 2007, 45(3) 325-327.
  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala2004. Negotiating Local Knowledge: Power and identity in development (ed) Johan Pottier, Alan Bicker & Paul Silitoe, Pluto Press, London, Anthropological Forum, 15(1) 86-88.
  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala2002. Contested Belonging: An Indigenous People’s Struggle for Forest and Identity in Sub-Himalayan Bengal (2000) B. G. Karlsson, Curzon Press, UK, Economic and Political Weekly, XXXVIII (36) 3722-3724.
  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala2002. Effects of Globalization on Industry and the Environment (eds) (2001) Rajat Acharyya and Bhaswar Moitra, Lancer’s Books, New Delhi, Economic and Political Weekly, XXXVII(14): 1333.
  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala2002. Ecology and Economics (2001) Ram Prasad Sengupta, Oxford University Press, Economic and Political Weekly, XXXVII (2): 129-130.

Articles (non-refereed publications)

  • Indus Floods, 2010: ‘Why did the Sindhu break its agreement?’
  • Indian Women: Bargaining with Patriarchy
  • Viewpoint on mineral resource ownership, Natural Resources Forum.
  • The global context of community engagement in mining: What India can learn and what India can do, Lecture delivered in a conference in Kolkata, organized by Asia-Pacific Partnership and DRET.
  • Engendering urban environmental management: A study of women councilors in Burdwan, India, Jointly with Gopa Samanta, Pallabi Sil and Chhanda Karfa, Women and Environments, Special 30th Anniversary issue on women and urban sustainability, No. 70/71, Spring/Summer, 2006, pp. 42-47.
  • Geography as a marginal social science, Economic and Political Weekly, February 12, 2005.
  • The ‘Iron Lady’ in Indonesian mining, Mining Environmental Management, July, 2005.
  • Queen coal, Mining Environmental Management, September 2004, p.25.
  • Real and hidden miners: The badli system of labour exchange in the collieries of India, Mining Environmental Management, 2003.
  • Fluid Bonds, a booklet, National Institute for Environment, The Australian National University, 2003
  • Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, 2001. Women in mining as part of sustainable development, Mining Environmental Management, UK, November 2001, pp. 15-9

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