Sharon Bessell's picture

Sharon Bessell

Professor, Policy and Governance; Director, Children’s Policy Centre


BA (Hons 1st class, Tasmania), PhD (Monash) Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy

Contact details

2014-present: Member, Editorial Board, Childhood: A journal of global child research

2013-present: Member, Peer Review Group, Child and Youth Participation and Development Effectiveness, ChildFund Australia

2013-present: Advisory Board, Children and Youth Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology 2013: Ambassador for National Child Protection Week (Invited position)

2012, 2013 & 2014: Ambassador for National Families Week Ambassador (Invited position)

2011-present: Advisory Board, Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde

2009–2010  : Board, Pacific Economic Bulletin

2007–2013  : Advisory Group, Knowing Children (Malaysia-based research and advocacy NGO, focusing on the human rights of children)

2007–2013  : Editorial Board, Black on White Publications

2008 Lead Trainer, Professional Training on Gender Analysis for AusAID officers

2006 Peer Reviewer, UNICEF Pacific Child Protection Programme

2005-06 Consultant on the ACT Charter of Rights for Children and Young People in Care

2005-06 Research Adviser, Save the Children Sweden

Updated:  16 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team