Pages tagged by "international relations"

Donald Trump: The Paranoid-Jacksonian

History and tradition have the answers to understanding Donald.

India’s options for tackling terrorism

Could India–Pakistan tensions lead to a nuclear war that neither side wants?

Diplomatic assets need boosting

Australia's foreign policy challenges in a changing world.

Australia-China ties

A new report outlines the future of the bilateral relationship.

Ruling the South China Sea

Key implications from the Philippines/China arbitration.

The conflicted superpower: US collaboration with China and India in global innovation

If globalisation has received much attention from students of international politics, the globalisation of innovation has received very little. This seminar explores the politics behind US policies toward this new phenomenon and the implications for US relations with China and India. While the stakes are high in this realm of economic cooperation, US policy does not reflect any strategic rationale. Instead, US policy is best understood as the outcome of political battles between high-tech interests and a range of opponents.

Shaping the global order

Supporting a rules-based global order requires tough decisions

Japan, Australia and regional security architecture

In this public lecture, experts from Japan and Australia will discuss opportunities and challenges around Japan-Australia bilateral cooperation within the existing regional security architecture. How can Japan and Australia revitalise and enhance open and inclusive regional security institutions, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum, ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus, and East Asia Summit? What are new areas in which both countries can further cooperate in regional security institutions? What are challenges against such cooperation?

The development and evolution of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) as international policy

The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) is widely acknowledged as one of the most significant normative developments in world affairs since 1945. It argues that state sovereignty implies a responsibility to protect all peoples inside territorial borders. But if the state fails in its responsibility, the United Nations must act on a residual responsibility to protect at-risk civilians from mass atrocities.

The political economy of 'land grabs' in China and India

Both China and India have witnessed significant land grabs in the last two decades. The massive land-taking phenomenon in both countries has been similarly driven by a growth imperative. Lands were taken by the state in both countries in the name of ‘public purposes’ for the sake of development whether they are for construction of infrastructure or for industrial zones. Despite similar anti-farmers outcomes, China and India are characterised by fundamentally different political systems.


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Updated:  18 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team