Pages tagged by "international relations"

A strategy for Quad biotechnology collaboration

In this paper, Dirk van der Kley and Daniel Pavlich discuss the importance of biotechnology, how the Quad countries and can leverage each other’s’...

Singing in tune

Macron visit a chance to highlight shared interests.

Australia’s defence diplomacy

Managing regional disasters.

Australia and Japan as global partners

Symposium on Friday tackles the present and future of important partnership.

A survey of East Asia’s nuclear neighbourhood

How does public opinion in East Asia view North Korea’s nuclear threat?

US funding for submarine and nuclear strategy research

National Security College to lead major research project.

Marawi the game changer

The local-global nexus in the southern Philippines.

North Korea, the USA, and a question of trust

The three strategic dilemmas that are ramping up tensions.

Saving the South China Sea fishery

Why it’s time to internationalise.


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Updated:  1 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team