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Co-hosted by the Development Policy Centre and the University of the South Pacific’s School of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Pacific Update is the premier forum for discussion of economic, social, political, and environmental issues in the region.

The third day of Pacific Update focused on research and policy developments in migration and labour mobility, within and beyond the Pacific region.

Note: Conference Times are FJT
Bold text indicates the presenter/s where there is more than one paper author. If no names are in bold text all authors intend to present.

Day 1 - Tuesday 13 June

8.30am Registration

9.00am Welcome and opening plenary
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Chair: Neelesh Gounder, University of the South Pacific

Welcome remarks
Professor Pal Ahluwalia, Vice Chancellor and President, University of the South Pacific

Keynote address
Hon Biman Prasad, Minister for Finance and Deputy Prime Minister, Government of Fiji
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Keynote address
Stuart Watts, Chargé d’affaires, Australian High Commission in Fiji

Keynote address
Andie Fong Toy, Head Subregional Office for the Pacific, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

10.30am Morning tea

11.00am Panel 1a: Gender and family violence
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Chair: Grant Walton, Australian National University

Pacific Aid Map: Examining trends in gender equality financing
Jessica Collins, Lowy Institute

Family size and domestic violence in a high-fertility society
Dyah Pritadrajati, Australian National University
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How can digital services empower and build the resilience of women and the socially excluded against climate disasters?
Akata Taito, United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
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Panel 1b: Tourism and human development
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Chair: Madeleine Flint, Development Intelligence Lab

Does happiness come naturally to tourists? An assessment of tourist satisfaction in Fiji
Stephen Pratt, University of Central Florida, Amare Wondirad and Gurmeet Singh, University of the South Pacific
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The case for tourism satellite account for the South Pacific islands
Semisi Taumoepeau, Auckland Institute of Studies, Kirstie Petrou, Griffith University, and Enitilina Fetu’u, Tonga Statistics Department
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Can we persuade policy makers to focus on the life satisfaction of the people? Learnings from recent findings on Fiji
Kushneel Prakash, University of Melbourne
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Locally led youth development: Utilising ‘Talanoa’ to enable community change
Patricia Zani Samuel, Ola Fou Solomon Islands
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12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Panel 2a: Foreign aid
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Chair: Thomas Wangi, Australian National University

Pacific Islands Aid Efficiency Index
Riley Duke, Lowy Institute
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Australia as an infrastructure partner with the Pacific
Melissa Conley Tyler, Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy & Defence Dialogue (AP4D)
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Shared perspectives: Critical issues facing Indo-Pacific international development strategy in a shifting environment
Madeleine Flint, Development Intelligence Lab, Isabelle Coleman, Development Intelligence Lab, Luke Levett Minihan, Independent Consultant, Bridi Rice, Development Intelligence Lab, and Richard Moore, Development Intelligence Lab
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Panel 2b: Gender transformative practice
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Pacific girl and Toksave: The success of gender transformative programs in the Pacific

Chair: Lanita Waleanisia, Pacific Women Lead, Pacific Community (SPC)

Tara Chetty, Pacific Women Lead, Pacific Community
Margaret Mishra, University of the South Pacific
Ana Malia Falemaka, Tongan Youth Mentor and Ambassador, Pacific Women Lead Governance Board member, former Pacific Girl participant
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3.00pm Afternoon tea

3.30pm Panel 3a: Educational exchange
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Spotlighting international scholarships, the elephant in the Australian aid budget: Examining the effectiveness of educational exchange for sustainable development and public diplomacy in the Pacific region

Chair: Noa Seru, Australian Awards Alumni and Technical Consultant

Hazel Lang, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Daniel Edwards, Australian Council for Educational Research
Lorissa Hazelman, Alinea International (Fiji)
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Panel 3b: Climate change and environment
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Chair: Akata Taito, United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)

Resilient and sustainable economic transition in Pacific small island developing states: Blue economy and deep sea mining. The case of Fiji.
Viliame Kasanawaqa, University of Malta
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Assessing the health of aquatic ecosystems in the Cook Islands: A study of lagoon and stream water quality
Alvin Chand, University of the South Pacific, and Alvin Lal, University of Newcastle
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An assessment on mangrove conservation in Papua New Guinea: A case study on mangrove sustainability policy from 2012- 2016
Melin Wamas, University of Papua New Guinea
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Assessing the wantok system of the Solomon Islands as an adaptation strategy
Michael Ha’apio, Idea Connection Pacific, Ricardo Gonzalez, University of Chile, and Morgan Wairiu, Windrock International Solomon Islands
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5.00pm Close

5.30pm Cocktail reception
Japan-Pacific ICT Centre Marquee. Hosted by the Asia Foundation

Day 2 - Wednesday 14 June

8.30am Registration

9.00am Keynote address
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Chair: Professor Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University

Denton Rarawa, Senior Advisor in Economics, Pacific Islands Forum (PIFS)

Women’s economic empowerment in the Pacific region
Ingrid Fitzgerald, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
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10.30am Morning tea

11.00am Panel 4a: Politics and governance
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Chair: Gordon Nanau, University of the South Pacific

How effective are the anti-money laundering regimes in PNG and Fiji?
Michael Kabuni, Australian National University
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Bridging the humanitarian and development nexus in justice sector reform in the Pacific: Vanuatu
Alice McGrath, Vanuatu Australia Policing and Justice Program, and Jocelyn Loughman, Ministry of Justice and Community Services, Government of Vanuatu
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Perceptions of corruption in seven small Pacific Island countries: Findings from the Global Corruption Barometer
Grant Walton, Australian National University
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Panel 4b: Private sector and economic development
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Chair: Jessica Collins, Lowy Institute

Small firms
Ryan Edwards, Australian National University, and Michelle Kempis, New York University
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Upscaling local and innovative private sector solutions to social and environmental issues is crucial to the region’s resilience
Sandra Mendez, Business Link Pacific
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Capital inflows and effectiveness of sterilization policy in PNG
Thomas Wangi, Australian National University

12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Panel 5a: Fiji care economy
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Care economy: A case study for Fiji

Chair: Sandra Kraushaar, The Asia Foundation

Hon Sashi Kiran, Assistant Minister for Women, Social Welfare and Poverty Alleviation, Government of Fiji
Laisa Bulatale, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement
Sainimili Tawake, Pacific Disability Forum
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Panel 5b: Economic resilience
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Increasing economic resilience in the handicraft and agribusiness sectors in Vanuatu

Chair: Fremden Yanhambath, Vanuatu Skills Partnership

Erinah Malres, Vanuatu Skills Partnership
Margaret Alilee, Vanuatu Department of Industry
Mark Vurobaravu, Vanuatu Department of Agriculture
Claud Vusilai, Ambaebulu School
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3.00pm Afternoon tea

3.30pm Panel 6a: Fiji economy
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» watch livestream replay
An updated Panel 6a livestream replay will be available soon

Chair: Ryan Edwards, Australian National University

Fiji’s economy post-2022 general elections
Janesh Sami, University of the South Pacific
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Agri value chain financing: solution for scale limitations in Fiji
Lagi Fisher, Finacial Management Counsellors Association of Fiji (FMCAF)
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Post COVID tourism recovery in Fiji
Fantasha Lockington, Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association (FHTA)
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Panel 6b: Indigenous community empowerment
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Chair: Vani Catanasiga, Fiji Council of Social Services

Indigenous innovations: Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge (IAK), resilience to the climate crisis
Suliasi Vunibola, University of Canterbury, Ilisoni Leweniqila, Fiji National University, and Kolaia Raisele, La Trobe University

Exploring the Tokatoka (Sub-Clan or Vuvale) Land-Trust Model to sustain the socio-economic livelihood of the Indigenous Fijian community
Paula Raqeukai, University of the South Pacific, and Kathryn Bicknell, Lincoln University
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Community empowerment from the ground up: Using Samoan indigenous methodologies to obtain equity, diversity and inclusion
Inez Fainga’a-Manu Sione, Griffith University, Vaoiva Ponton, Griffith University, Andrew Harvey, Griffith University, Naomi Pelitte, Village Connect, Ruta Aloalii, Village Connect, Manuia Aloalii, Village Connect, Matt Statham, Brisbane South PHN, and Deborah Perelini, Village Connect
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5.00pm Close

5.45pm Conference dinner
Japan-Pacific ICT Centre Marquee. Hosted by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Day 3 - Thursday 15 June – Pacific Migration Research Workshop

8.30am Registration
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9.00am Keynote address

Michael Clemens, Centre for Global Development
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9:35am Keynote address

Leasiolagi Malama Meleisea, National University of Samoa

10:10am Morning Tea

10:30am Panel 7: Economic impacts at home and abroad
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Chair: Neelesh Gounder, University of the South Pacific

The Pacific Labour Mobility Survey: key findings from the first wave
Ryan Edwards, Australian National University, and Dung Doan, World Bank
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The labour market impacts of low-skilled temporary migration: evidence from the Seasonal Worker Program
Toan Nguyen, Australian National University, and Ryan Edwards, Australian National University
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Temporary migration and household spending in the Pacific
Hiroshi Maeda, Australian National University and Ryan Edwards, Australian National University
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12pm Lunch

1pm Panel 8: Reflections on the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme
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Chair: Carolyn Jalal, Australia Pacific Training Coalition

Reflections and insights from the Pacific Labour Facility: 2018-2023
Lewis Brimblecombe, Pacific Labour Facility
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Is Australia doing enough to ensure the safety and wellbeing of Pacific workers in Australia?
Lindy Kanan, University of the Sunshine Coast, and Judy Putt, Australian National University
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Migrant-Diaspora Connections and Pacific Food Worker Wellbeing in Australia
Victoria Stead, Deakin University, Kirstie Petrou, Griffith University, and Makiko Nishitani, La Trobe University
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2:30pm Afternoon tea

2:45pm Panel 9: Australia’s Pacific Engagement Visa: Can it be strengthened to meet the Blue Pacific needs?
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Chair: Stephen Howes, Australian National University

Akka Rimon, Australian National University
Natasha Turia-Moka, Australian National University
Michael Kabuni, Australian National University
Jope Tarai, Australian National University
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3:30pm Panel 10: Regional perspectives on labour mobility in the Pacific
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Chair: Alisi Holani, PACER Plus Implementation Unit

Emmanuel Murwisi, International Organization for Migration
Angelica Neville, International Labour Organization and Sabira Coelho, International Organization for Migration
Noah Kouback, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
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» view presentation
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5pm Workshop close

5pm Red Wave Retrospective Exhibition (optional), Oceania Centre for the Arts