About us

The Crawford School of Public Policy is a unique institution at the ANU and in Australian higher education. A research-led, professionally-oriented graduate school, it combines the ANU mandate to address issues of national and international significance through world-class research and teaching, with a deep commitment to improve public policy capability.

The Crawford School attracts students and staff from around the globe, creating a vibrant and stimulating environment to learn and collaborate. As a leading postgraduate public policy school, students collaborate with some of the field’s biggest regional and international bodies through a diverse range of graduate degrees, PhD programmes, internships and voluntary placements – all offered and enhanced by the school’s central location.

It is our aim to be at the forefront of public policy research, education and impact. As a world-leading public policy school our purpose is to:

  • generate new knowledge on public policy questions; theoretical, methodological, empirical, and practical

  • enhance the capabilities of those who learn with us, developing the expertise necessary to respond to public policy challenges

  • impact positively on the quality of public policy making, implementation and outcomes.

Updated:  18 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team