Up, up and away

13 December 2015

This Friday Crawford will say goodbye to 192 of its students as they complete their studies and move on to prestigious careers.

The graduates include 166 Crawford graduate studies students, 20 National Security College students and 6 PhD Scholars. They will be presented with their awards at the graduation ceremony at Llewelyn Hall.

Crawford School Acting Director Professor Robert Breunig said he has big expectations for Crawford School graduates.

“Few things make me happier than seeing our students complete their studies and get ready to take their newly-developed skills out into the world.

“Crawford has a long and distinguished track record of producing leaders, so I look forward to seeing these graduates taking senior positions throughout Asia, the Pacific and the rest of the world,” said Professor Breunig.

To celebrate with the graduates, their families and friends Crawford will be hosting a graduation party after the official ceremony.

Each semester Crawford School awards several prizes to outstanding student performance. These winners will be announced at the graduation party.

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Updated:  30 June 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team