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Frank Jotzo

Professor, ANU Crawford School of Public Policy; Head of Energy, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy and Disaster Solutions.


PhD ANU, Master of Economics of Development ANU, Dipl-VWL (BA Economics), Humboldt U Berlin

Contact details

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: 6th Assessment Report, Working Group III lead author and Synthesis Report member of core writing team, 2018-23; 5th Assessment Report, Working Group III lead author, 2011-14

Advisory to Australian federal governments: Lead and senior roles in formal policy advisory exercises, informal policy advice, technical advice to government departments and agencies. Examples of advisory roles to Australian federal governments: Australia’s Carbon Leakage Review - Lead, 2023-24 Garnaut Climate Change Review - Senior Economist 2008, Principal Advisor 2011

Examples of advisory to Australian State governments: NSW Decarbonisation Innovation Study, expert panel member, Office of the NSW Chief Scientist, member, 2020-23 Australian Capital Territory Climate Change Council, member, 2011-19 Victoria expert advisory group on State emissions target, member, 2017 South Australia Expert Group on Low-Carbon Economy, member, 2015

Examples of international advisory: World Bank Partnership for Market Readiness program, expert advisor, 2013-16 Indonesia’s Ministry of Finance, lead consultant on climate change strategy, 2009-10 World Bank Indonesia, advisor, 2007-10

Consultancy: Consultancy to governments, organisation and companies - various Associate Principal, Vivid Economics 2013-16

Updated:  18 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Crawford Engagement/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team